Hello again convention fans! CHEVRON 7.5 Firstly a huge thank you to Massive Events for pulling off yet another fantastic weekend. The guests were both funny and entertaining. We had great access to them, a real plus in my books as other events tend to herd you around with little […]


Hello all! As with any convention, there’s the laughter, the “what the…” moments and just the downright interesting parts…both good and bad! Chevron 7.5 was no different. Understandably, I think most people went into this convention with heavy hearts after both Teryl Rothery and Michael Shanks not able to attend […]


Hello Dragon*Con Fans This was my first year attending Dragon*Con and I have to say that I immediately decided I had to go again next year. I arrived in Atlanta on Thursday (without any airplane problems) and was able to pick up my registration after only waiting in line for […]


Huzzah Dragon*Con Fans! Not to play favorites, but of all the conventions I attend, Dragon*Con is my favorite. Ok, so I am playing favorites. Whatever! I’m allowed! It’s an awesome convention. If you’ve been, you understand. So… this was my third year at Dragon*Con. I was looking forward to seeing […]


Hello fellow V fans! After a lot of wondering, and waiting, I can confirm that V has been picked up for season two! Every week when the episode finishes, my initial thought always is: “Is that it?” I always want more, so the renewal confirmation is fantastic news for me! […]

Hey V Series Fans, Well after some horrific events including the death of our beloved Georgie played by David Richmond-Peck, with Chad Decker as he struggles to comprehend the beautifully twisted Anna portrayed by the lovely Morena Baccarin and Laura VanDervoort deals with her emotions, much more is about to […]


Saturday May 01, 2010  started off crazy. I had to take my sister to the airport at 4am. I raced back home and prepared for VulcanCon by Vulcan Events. The whole family wanted to help break into the Guinness Book of World Records for number of fans dressed as actual […]

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