Welcome back to WHR You Decide for our special Stargate Summit 3! The Goa’uld are at it again Stargate fans! This time, they have teamed up with the Wraith, or, more specifically, one Wraith, who has plans of her own! Join us for the latest installment of the System Lord’s […]


Hello again convention fans! CHEVRON 7.5 Firstly a huge thank you to Massive Events for pulling off yet another fantastic weekend. The guests were both funny and entertaining. We had great access to them, a real plus in my books as other events tend to herd you around with little […]


Hey Stargate and Creation Entertainment fans! My first day at VanCon Stargate 2010 morning began with preregistration at the Hilton Metrotown Vancouver located in Burnaby, British Columbia. It is a beautiful facility that Creation Entertainment selected for the convention . I received my convention pass and Press Credentials for WHR […]


New Breaking News UPDATE April 14, 2010 7:00 PM Pacific Time Genevieve Buechner: WHR has confirmed with her contacts that ‘Tamara Adama”of Caprica will “Crash” the Auroris Fan Party this evening and she has our total support in that regard! Another outstanding actress Ms. Buechner is also known for her […]

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