Three cons in one? That’s crazy! Yeah. Crazy awesome! November 5-7, 2010 Creation Entertainment hosted its annual Stargate and Farscape conventions in Los Angeles, CA, at the LAX Marriott. This year, added to the mix was a Firefly/Buffy/Angel/Dollhouse convention, which led to this mega-con being titled TriCon. Unfortunately for me, […]


Hello again Stargate fans! Let me start off by saying that this year’s Stargate Convention in Chicago was arguably the best Creation Entertainment convention I have been to yet. The atmosphere was laid back and relaxed and provided a sense of calm for all attending. It was fun and funny […]


Hello Creation Entertainment Stargate Convention Fans! My annual trip to Creation Entertainment’s Chicago Con this year started out quite slowly, as in at a standstill. My plane had mechanical difficulties and had to be checked by mechanics at the gate. After taxiing around the runway, sitting and then getting off […]


Today VanCon was absolutely crazy! In a very good way, of course. The name VanCon is not really the official name of the convention. It is more of a fan name used on Twitter with the hash tag for tracking the tweets. The official name is really Creation Entertainments “Vancouver […]


Hey Stargate and Creation Entertainment fans! My first day at VanCon Stargate 2010 morning began with preregistration at the Hilton Metrotown Vancouver located in Burnaby, British Columbia. It is a beautiful facility that Creation Entertainment selected for the convention . I received my convention pass and Press Credentials for WHR […]


Hey guys! This is officially my first report for WormholeRiders News Agency! How exciting, right? Well, for me it is, anyway. Right after the convention I was scheduled for extended travel, but I am BACK! . First off, this is a largely personal report. I talk a lot about what […]


New Breaking News UPDATE April 14, 2010 7:00 PM Pacific Time Genevieve Buechner: WHR has confirmed with her contacts that ‘Tamara Adama”of Caprica will “Crash” the Auroris Fan Party this evening and she has our total support in that regard! Another outstanding actress Ms. Buechner is also known for her […]

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