
WormholeRiders-New-Logo-450T - Click to visit WHR Convention Corners

Team WHR set the benchmark for “Reporting Live from the Convention” live tweeting from many events that WormholeRiders News Agency has covered since 2009.

Please feel free to search past conventions we have covered for reports using categories, tags, or use SEARCH located on the upper right of the any post or page.


Unpublished (new) additional news stories regarding a specific convention or event can be expected in the future as we have hundreds of convention adventures to share with you as the Wormhole Turns!

WormholeRiders News AgencyTeam WHR reporters world-wide work hard and are there for YOU the fans of entertainment news to whom we are dedicated!

Our reporters hope to meet you all at conventions in the future beyond “On The Other Side” LIVE at the “Con”! We suggest following the adventures of the Team WHR on Twitter for the latest news and updates.

Additional reports may be filed for the following convention events. Schedule and post dates are scheduled years in advance.

See you at our next event and thank you for visiting WormholeRiders News Agency!

SDCC 2014 Thank You banner - Click to learn more at the official web site!

NOTE: Effective February 25, 2011 all convention reports will be posted here at our Team WHR Main news site first and may be cross posted at related Team WHR series news sites.

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