Greeting Stargate and convention fans, Today Saturday March 05, 2011 WormholeRiders News Agency is pleased to announce courtesy of Creation Entertainment, the Stargate Vancouver 2011 Gold Tickets Giveaway for their fantastic Stargate Convention to be conducted April 14-17, 2011 at the Hilton Metrotown Burnaby, 6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia! […]


Hello science fiction fans! Gifts… Who has not had a problem with finding an appropriate present for a friend or themselves (yes it is good to spoil oneself with a gift once in a while) in their life? However, from now this problem for science-fiction and fantasy fans has been […]


Hello Dragon*Con Fans This was my first year attending Dragon*Con and I have to say that I immediately decided I had to go again next year. I arrived in Atlanta on Thursday (without any airplane problems) and was able to pick up my registration after only waiting in line for […]


Huzzah Dragon*Con Fans! Not to play favorites, but of all the conventions I attend, Dragon*Con is my favorite. Ok, so I am playing favorites. Whatever! I’m allowed! It’s an awesome convention. If you’ve been, you understand. So… this was my third year at Dragon*Con. I was looking forward to seeing […]


Hey guys! This is officially my first report for WormholeRiders News Agency! How exciting, right? Well, for me it is, anyway. Right after the convention I was scheduled for extended travel, but I am BACK! . First off, this is a largely personal report. I talk a lot about what […]


Hello Stargate Universe Fans, Here is Something Kinda Special for you Doctor Daniel Jackson (Michael Shanks) fans whom have admired his fine performances from Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis! But first a few questions must be considered: Have you ladies often wondered what kind of love affairs Doctor Jackson has […]

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