Hello again Hollywood Treasure and rare memorabilia fans,
On November 06, 2010 something wonderful happened, Hollywood Auction 42!
Today we bring you a special Behind the Scenes feature about the event and the creators of the fabulous Hollywood Treasure Auctions, Profiles in History.
The incredible journey of Profiles in History (on television) began October 27, 2010 when something fun and exciting occurred, when a new television series called “Hollywood Treasure” aired on SyFy in the United States! In fact, Joe Maddelena has been on his quest since 1985 when he formed the company!
“Hollywood Treasure” is an excellent reality based program focusing on the adventurous journeys of Profiles in History’s Joe Maddelana and his relentless team of rare movie and television memorabilia detectives! Pictured below are Profiles in History President Joe Maddelena, Acquisitions Brian Chanes, Jonathan Mankuta, Special Projects, and the lovely and talented Tracey McCall, Event Coordinator for Hollywood Treasure!

Speaking of auctions, Its time to register for the next great event Hollywood Auction 43! On December 17 and 18, 2010, Joe Maddelena’s Profiles in History team of professionals will be masters of the ceremonies at the fabulous Hollywood Charity Auction 43 as we have previously reported!
Profiles in History sets the tone for wonderful auctions by teaming with entertainment industry creators, studios, celebrities and citizens supporting events that allow you the movie and television fan to participate! Please click the image below to register for Hollywood Auction 43 because believe me, you do NOT want to miss this outstanding live event!
In the meantime, as we prepare to journey to Hollywood Auction 43 this weekend to bring you live news coverage, hope you have enjoyed our Behind The Scenes feature about Hollywood Auction 42 by Profiles in History, stars of the hit series Hollywood Treasure!
Hollywood Treasure is a fun and enjoyable show. Although not specific to a certain genre of movie or television program, the series highlights the Profiles in History Team in their adventures to many locations where extremely rare and unique artifacts of a science fiction, fantasy and or adventure movie nature can be found. The show documents the finding of the ‘treasure’ that is among the most popular blockbuster movies or long lived television series artifacts in history.
As seen on SyFy, Hollywood Treasure returns in 2011 when Joe Maddelena will continue to travel the globe to locate extremely rare entertainment items previously lost to history or secreted away for decades. Hidden in closets, garages and storage areas across the globe, the owners of the entertainment antiques, set used costumes, scripts, set used vehicles or other rare artifacts are often stunned at the value of the items when Brian Chanes and Tracey McCall of Hollywood Treasure shares with them how much they will garner when sold at auction.
“Treasure” included in the Behind The Scenes video are the great items from Back to the Future, Warehouse 13, Eureka, and the authentic Teal’c Goa’uld chest plate and head piece shown above and below by Christopher Judge of Stargate!
The Profiles in History team shown herein raised funds for charity that benefited the Variety – Children’s Charity of Southern California and Michael J. Fox Foundation’s “Team Fox” conducted at The Globe Theatre at Universal Studios on Saturday November 6, 2010 as shown in the behind the scenes video above. WHR was honored to be invited to cover this fantastic event supporting the great charities teaming up to help the less fortunate souls in our world!
The Hollywood Auction 42 featured items from Stargate SG-1, Caprica, Warehouse 13, Eureka, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Back to the Future and many more from your favorite science fiction, fantasy, adventure movie or television series WHR asks that you REGISTER NOW open your hearts to help support this wonderful charity causes!
Included below are additional images from the complete press release with of the fantastic items auctioned. All images and video are courtesy of Profiles in History who conducted the charity auction as depicted in the Behind The Scenes special video feature. Please visit Profiles in History for additional details in that regard. This was an exciting event to attend. therefore we also thank Brenda Lowry of SyFy, NBC Universal and MJK Public Relations for their professional courtesy.
As always we appreciate your visiting our news sites at WormholeRiders News Agency. Please feel free to leave a comment or a question about our coverage of this wonderful event here. We will respond to your comment or question as soon as is possible.
If you prefer, click the social media icons below to share this news article or as many of our readers and visitors often do, visit the WHR Team or me on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story.
See you all soon at the Hollywood Auction 43 and on “The Other Side“! Thank you.
Best Regards,
Press Release:
For Immediate Release
The Special Four-Section Auction Will Include Over 150 iconic pieces of Hollywood memorabilia, including the Most Technically Accurate Reproduction of the DeLorean Time Machine From Back To The Future AND a Very Rare Copy of Superman Comics No. 1, Both Valued at $100,000 or More, plus Costumes From the Back To The Future Movie Series, Syfy’s Stargate SG-1 (many items like the Ancient Time Device and Teal’c Goa’uld headress illustrated below), Caprica, Warehouse 13 and Eureka and many other fantastic film and television props and costumes.
Profiles in History, the world’s largest auctioneer of Hollywood memorabilia, will partner with Variety – the Children’s Charity of Southern California and the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Team Fox for a unique, four-section auction of over 150 iconic film and television props and costumes, taking place live from The Globe Theatre on the Universal Studios, Hollywood lot on November 6, 2010.
Also featured will be items from several Syfy network shows as well as a taste of Profiles in History upcoming December auction of Hollywood memorabilia. Worldwide bidding begins at 6 PM Pacific time. Bids can be placed in person, via mail, phone, fax or LIVE on the Internet or by visiting ICollector!
“This is a special sale for Profiles in History as we are working with two amazing groups. I feel so fortunate to be able to work side by side with Variety as it approaches its 70th anniversary, and we’re thrilled to assist such a worthy cause as The Michael J. Fox Foundation and Team Fox” said Joe Maddalena, president of Profiles in History.
We appreciate the courtesy of Profiles in History for images included in our news report to be sold to benefit Variety – the Children’s Charity of Southern California. The monies generated from the sale of these items will fund much needed lifesaving support for disabled, abused, physically challenged and underprivileged children. Highlights from this group to be auctioned include:
Butch Patrick “Eddie Munster” first season velvet coat from The Munsters ($3,000-$5,000)
Back to the Future signed one sheet poster ($600-$800)
Green Hornet Number 1 ($1,500-$2,000)
Superman Number 1 1939 ($100,000-$200,000)
Limited Edition life-size bust of Iron Man MARK II and Iron Man one-sheet poster signed by Stan Lee ($300-$500)
Identity Disk from Tron: Legacy ($2,000-$3,000)
Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope one-sheet poster signed by 6 principle cast members ($1,000-$2,000)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers one-sheet poster signed by 10 principle cast members ($1,000-$2,000)
Screen-used Scotty Dog puppet and taxidermy puppet from Coraline ($1,000-$2,000 EACH)
Megan Fox “Mikaela Banes” Smithsonian costume from Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen ($1,000-$2,000)
Pair of tickets to the premiere of Tron: Legacy ($400-$600)
Prop tape recorder bomb from “24” ($200-$300)
Spider-Man 2 one-sheet poster signed by Stan Lee and Kirsten Dunst ($200-$300)
Original Bones script signed by Emily Deschanel and David Boreanaz ($200-$300)
· Director’s chair back signed by Christopher Nolan, Jodie Foster, Robert Downey, Jr., Seth Rogen and Katherine Heigl ($100-$200 EACH)
In the auction’s second section, Profiles in History is going back-“Back to the Future” with the Michael J. Fox Foundation’s Team Fox and Bob Gale to raise money for Parkinson’s research. Mr. Gale has donated many items from his personal Back to the Future collection and his sales proceeds will go to Team Fox. Other collectors have consigned their Back to the Future items, designating a percentage of their sales directly to Team Fox. Highlighting this group is The most technically accurate reproduction of the iconic DeLorean Time Machine from Back to the Future ever built ($80,000-$100,000) and The Bob Gale Experience, in which Bob Gale will dine with the lucky winning bidder and a guest in Los Angeles, while helping to support The Michael J. Fox Foundation in their fight against Parkinson’s Disease.
The winner and a guest can have lunch with Bob Gale in Los Angeles, subject to his schedule, OR a 1 hour-long phone call if travel to L.A. isn’t possible. Lunch will be paid for by the Profiles in History team and the television show, Hollywood Treasure, on Syfy. The winner will also receive a Back to the Future poster, personally autographed by Mr. Gale. ($600-$800) Other items from this section include:
Hero screen-used Michael J. Fox “Marty McFly” Year 2015 “resizing” future jacket worn in Back to the Future II ($25,000-$50,000)
Marty McFly Year 2015 future Nike “Mag” self-lacing shoe worn in Back to the Future II ($12,000-$15,000)
Screen-used Gray’s Sports Almanac 1950-2000 from Back to the Future II ($3,000-$5,000)
Prop Hill Valley map from Back to the Future III ($8,000-$10,000)
· Very rare prop SFX “transformation” photos of Eric Stoltz as “Marty McFly” from Back to the Future ($300-$500)
The next section features great items from several hit Syfy network television shows, including Stargate SG-1, Eureka, Warehouse 13 and Caprica. Highlights include:
Ancient Time Device from Stargate ($2,500-$3,000)
Holoband device from Caprica ($8,000-$12,000)
Teal’c Serpent Helmet from Stargate SG-1 ($7,500-$9,500)
Ori Control Chair from Stargate SG-1 ($3,500-$4,500)
Tesla gun used by Warehouse Agents Myka Bering, Pete Lattimer and Artie Nielson in Warehouse 13 ($400-$600)
Caprica City Buccaneers Pyramid jersey from Eric Stoltz “Daniel Graystone’s” private game box in Caprica ($400-$600)
Colin Ferguson “Sheriff Jack Carter” costume from Eureka ($300-$500)
The final section is a variety of items Joe Maddalena, president of Profiles in History, has collected in his travels to hunt down Hollywood’s lost treasures, and is a sample of what’s to come in their December Auction. Highlights of this section include a special addition to the auction-an extremely rare “Superman #1” comic book ($100,000-$200,000) and an original hero K.I.T.T. car from NBC’s 2008-9 series, Knight Rider ($25,000-$35,000).
Other highlights include:
Batman comic strip original art by Bob Kane 1943 ($20,000-$30,000)
Screen-used “Daffy” puppet from Gremlins 2: The New Batch ($15,000-$20,000)
· Michael Jackson’s stage-worn Victory Tour sunglasses ($10,000-$15,000)
Original screen-used Golden Ticket from Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory ($8,000-$12,000)
Spider-Man and Stan Lee original artwork for How to Draw Comics the Marvel Way by John Romita ($4,000-$6,000)
Screen-used Naboo Palace Guard jacket from Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace ($4,000-$6,000)
The Art of Animation signed by Walt Disney and Disney’s “Nine Old Men” ($2,000-$3,000)
Profiles in History’s next general Hollywood auction is scheduled for early December, 2010. A few items have been announced, including Brandon Routh’s hero Superman costume from Superman Returns; a ¼ scale special effects Batmobile from Batman Returns; a large collection of stop-motion hero principal character puppets from Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride; a hero Golden Ticket from Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory and a hero T-600 Terminator puppet from Terminator Salvation.
About Profiles in History:
Founded in 1985 by Joseph Maddalena, Profiles in History is the nation’s leading dealer in guaranteed-authentic original historical autographs, letters, documents, vintage signed photographs and manuscripts. Profiles in History has held some of the most prestigious and successful auctions of Hollywood memorabilia. Their auctions include costumes, props and set pieces from both vintage and contemporary film, television, and rock ‘n roll. Profiles in History’s location in Calabasas Hills, CA- virtually a stone’s throw away from every major Hollywood studio – ensures a constant flow of fantastic and rare collectibles. With an extensive network of dealers, collectors, and institutions, they are proud to play an important role in the preservation of motion picture history.
Prior Profiles in History Hollywood auctions highlights include the “Cowardly Lion” costume from The Wizard of Oz ($805,000); a full-scale model T-800 Endoskeleton from Terminator 2: Judgment Day ($488,750); Marilyn Monroe’s “Diamonds” dress from Gentlemen Prefer Blondes ($356,500); a King Kong six-sheet movie poster ($345,000); the Command Chair from the “U.S.S. Enterprise” ($304,750); the original “Robot” from Lost in Space ($264,500); Luke Skywalker’s lightsaber ($240,000); Margaret Hamilton’s “Wicked Witch” hat from The Wizard of Oz ($230,000); the Black Beauty car from The Green Hornet ($192,000); George Reeves’ Superman costume from The Adventures of Superman ($126,500); the H.R. Giger designed Alien creature suit from Alien ($126,500); a full-scale T-Rex head from Jurassic Park ($126,500), the Leaping Alien Warrior figure from Aliens ($126,500), Christopher Reeve’s ‘Superman’ costume from Superman: The Movie ($115,000), C-3PO’s helmet ($120,000), The Wizard of Oz ‘Winkie’ Guard Costume ($115,000); a “Ming the Merciless” cape from Flash Gordon ($115,000) and the Hydraulic screen-used Velociraptor from The Lost World: Jurassic Park II ($115,000).