Welcome back convention fans! In our 6th year of operations here at WormholeRiders, we have attended hundreds of conventions, both of a science fiction and science nature. We have always been delighted by the quality of such distinct events. This year in 2014, a new effort combining the mathematics, arts, […]

Welcome back supporters of worthwhile charity efforts, This Saturday evening June 25, 2011 something very wonderful to help children around the world is going to occur in New York City! Of what do we speak? Why of course we are talking (and tweeting) about Songs for Sanctuary for Children, an […]

Welcome Amanda Tapping and Sanctuary fans! I am bringing you the day 3 AT5 – Reverberation daily report, so grab a chair and enjoy! First of all, I would like to say thank you to GABIT Events for authorizing the use of photos from the event in this report. Photos […]

Hello GABIT Convention fans, Well, an early start greeted all the Gabiteers Saturday morning February 12, 2011 as AT5 at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow got underway. Waking up before sunrise on a weekend to head down for breakfast after the cocktail party must have been hard for some, but it […]


Good morning, afternoon, or evening GABIT Events fans! Amanda Tapping arrived just after 8pm. I missed the start of her speech because the reception to her arrival was phenomenal! It took a good few minutes for the silence to rain over the crazy cheers and whistles. Amanda made a little […]


Greeting GABIT Events Fans, Oh. Wow. What….what a first day! The tumultuous and highly anticipated arrival of the hundreds of fans from every corner of the globe caused something of an explosion of excitement and uproar at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow. Nobody was injured in the cacophony, but I have […]


CALLING ALL SANCTUARIAN GATERS! Gate to the Sanctuary was an incredible Stargate and Sanctuary convention, held in Sydney by Culture Shock Events, and in Melbourne by Hub Productions. On the weekend of 11-12 December, 2010, several hundred extremely blessed fans had the opportunity to meet with some of their favourite […]


Even as I sit writing this, I wipe away the tears on my cheeks from the joyous comradeship of the weekend, and the pain of parting with old and with new friends. Even now, the newest of friends have made the familiar stamp on my heart, and the torn feelings […]

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