So far, in the world of fandom, Sanctuary Season Three of this ingenious and creative series has kept every single human, abnormal or otherwise, perched on the edge of their couches/sofas/beds in a squeaking flurry of anticipation and awed grimaces. With a WHOLE TWENTY EPISODES (YUS, THE BIG TWO-ZERO), not […]


Greeting GABIT Events Fans, Oh. Wow. What….what a first day! The tumultuous and highly anticipated arrival of the hundreds of fans from every corner of the globe caused something of an explosion of excitement and uproar at the Renaissance Hotel, Heathrow. Nobody was injured in the cacophony, but I have […]


CALLING ALL SANCTUARIAN GATERS! Gate to the Sanctuary was an incredible Stargate and Sanctuary convention, held in Sydney by Culture Shock Events, and in Melbourne by Hub Productions. On the weekend of 11-12 December, 2010, several hundred extremely blessed fans had the opportunity to meet with some of their favourite […]


Even as I sit writing this, I wipe away the tears on my cheeks from the joyous comradeship of the weekend, and the pain of parting with old and with new friends. Even now, the newest of friends have made the familiar stamp on my heart, and the torn feelings […]

Hailing all you Sanctuary fans out there! On this posterior side of the Gemini’s 25th Anniversary Gala, welcome to yet another exciting Kate Freelander (played by Agam Darshi) episode! You know, considering that there was so much controversy raging in fandom when her character was introduced, I don’t think anyone […]


Calling all special effects and film fans! A HUGE and heartfelt ‘thank you’ is extended to EVENT Cinemas Ltd of New Zealand, and Weta Workshop, for being wonderfully warm hosts and enabling their admirers to witness and experience the amazing work of Weta up close. EVENT Cinemas Ltd together with […]

Hi Sanctuary fans! WELL…’Haunted’ is definitely an episode over which shippers will squish and thud about, the world over! That said, I must warn you that I am heavily Magnus/Druitt (when appropriate) so please stay with me on this one. This eleventh episode of Sanctuary Season 2 comes as a […]

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