Welcome back Eureka fans! As is generally the case, this episode opens in Sheriff Jack Carter’s (Colin Ferguson) home. And as is generally the case, we know that there are going to be visitors. Who is sleeping over this time? It turns out that it’s neither Carter, nor Jo Lupo […]

Welcome back Eureka Fans, “Clash of the Titans” Written by Eric Tuchman. Tuchman also wrote another season four original Eureka episode, “Founders Day”. Fans may recall Tuchman wrote several episodes of “Kyle XY”, a show that ended well before it is time. The “Clash of the Titans”  episode was co-written […]

Hi Eureka fans, With only a few episodes left until the end of season four, Eureka’s episodes do not disappoint.  In their quest for Titan, the Eureka team continues to struggle with misbehaving technology.  I guess it is important to work the bugs out before you go into space.  And […]


Dear  Eureka fans! We are reticent to begin a review with the following news of a non renewal, however below is the statement from Syfy August 08, 2011, apparently leaked to EW and others regarding the cancellation of the Eureka series before its sixth season. Editors Note: We held publication […]

Welcome back Eureka fans, Today we continue with awesome episode twelve of season four of Eureka with the episode “Reprise”. Although as you will find out when you see the episode tonight on Syfy at 8 PM E/P 7 central time, when pre-reviewing the program here I came to the […]

Hailing all you Sanctuary fans out there! On this posterior side of the Gemini’s 25th Anniversary Gala, welcome to yet another exciting Kate Freelander (played by Agam Darshi) episode! You know, considering that there was so much controversy raging in fandom when her character was introduced, I don’t think anyone […]


Let’s have HUGE standing ovation for the entire team at ‘Sanctuary‘! After an incredible (but not surprising) feat of 17 Nominations, the fantastic cast and crew came away from last weekends’ Leo Awards with 7 wins! The Awards were presented over two ceremonies: The Celebration Gala on June 4th 2010, […]

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