Welcome back Eureka fans! As is generally the case, this episode opens in Sheriff Jack Carter’s (Colin Ferguson) home. And as is generally the case, we know that there are going to be visitors. Who is sleeping over this time? It turns out that it’s neither Carter, nor Jo Lupo […]

Welcome back Eureka fans! Loved, loved, loved, this episode of Eureka. Anyone who has been bullied as a child, or treated badly will identify with the visual representation of the potential Astreaus crew’s memories, especially those of Fargo (Neil Grayston). The episode opens with Senator Wen (Ming Na) giving directions […]

Welcome back Eureka Fans, “Clash of the Titans” Written by Eric Tuchman. Tuchman also wrote another season four original Eureka episode, “Founders Day”. Fans may recall Tuchman wrote several episodes of “Kyle XY”, a show that ended well before it is time. The “Clash of the Titans”  episode was co-written […]

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