Welcome back Eureka fans! Loved, loved, loved, this episode of Eureka. Anyone who has been bullied as a child, or treated badly will identify with the visual representation of the potential Astreaus crew’s memories, especially those of Fargo (Neil Grayston). The episode opens with Senator Wen (Ming Na) giving directions […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! It was a full day of fun and excitement at Comic-Con San Diego on Thursday, July 22. I started the day at the 6,500-seat main hall and hung out with SciFiFanGirl616 for a little while before the programming started. There were a lot of big movie-related panels […]


My Fellow Stargate Fans, I recently interviewed Frank Cassini, currently of the hit CTV show The Bridge, but who you may also recognize as Colonel Sean Grieves from Stargate SG-1. The Bridge is a Canadian show recently picked up by CBS to air several episodes this summer starting July 10 […]


My fellow fans, This past weekend I interviewed Aleks Paunovic of, to name a few, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Battlestar: Galactica, Human Target, Transparency, and whom you will soon see in an upcoming episode of Caprica in which he plays William Adama, Sr., father to Joseph and Sam. […]


Hey there everybody! We here at WormholeRiders.com are pleased to announce another in our “Live from the Convention” series news coverage of the fantastic  Phoenix ComicCon! This year, the Phoenix ComicCon takes place on Memorial Day weekend, May 27th-30th, 2010. I am super excited to be attending this convention as […]


Hey Convention Fans, Today April 02, 2010 marked the opening day of the fantastic WonderCon convention in San Francisco. SciFiFanGirl616 arrived about an hour before Press Registration time and to get the “lay of the land” at Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Good thing too as the place is […]

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