Hey SyFy Fans, In case you had not heard already, one of our favorite stations, the great SyFy is launching a new pilot for a potential television series called “Three Inches” starring none other than the wonderfully talented James Marsters recently seen in Caprica on SyFy! We had the privilege […]


Hello everybody! Well, I survived the first full day of Phoenix Comicon! I said yesterday how much I love all the costumes that people create and there were so many great ones today!  Two of my favorites would have to be Pac Man with Pinkie the Ghost and Davy Jones […]


Hello again! First our special thanks to Ms. Kate Davids of Phoenix Comicon for all her wonderful help! Howdy from the Southwest Desert!  We’ve actually been having unseasonably cool(ish) weather this week here in Phoenix, which is probably nice for the guests of the Phoenix Comicon as they are surely […]


Hey there convention fans! Well today is the day we have all been waiting for! What day? Here at WormholeRiders we are pleased to announce “Live from the Convention” news coverage of the fantastic Phoenix Comicon, a four day convention event. Rest assured that WHR will be there for you […]


Hey there everybody! We here at WormholeRiders.com are pleased to announce another in our “Live from the Convention” series news coverage of the fantastic  Phoenix ComicCon! This year, the Phoenix ComicCon takes place on Memorial Day weekend, May 27th-30th, 2010. I am super excited to be attending this convention as […]

Hey WonderCon Fans! Very Happy Easter Day wishes from Team WHR (to all who celebrate)! It was an early morning start for me. I was able to convince my friend, Ginger, to come along for the day. Once inside we waited in line at the Esplanade Ballroom of the Moscone […]

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