Hey WonderCon Fans! Thought we forgot about WonderCon? Hardly! WHR is just getting started with our detailed news coverage of this fantastic event held April 2-4, 2010 at the Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Produced by the wonderful team of talent at Comic-Con International, WonderCon was a bright event […]

Hey WonderCon Fans, WonderCon 2010 last day had me pumped and ready to go. The last panels for the convention were Human Target and Chuck produced by Warner Brothers for FOX and NBC respectively. Once again I was able to sit in the front row center. Among the best place […]

Are you ready to be totally WonderCon Chucked Out? Well we certainly were by the fabulous peeps at WonderCon! All our thanks to Comic-Con International and Warner Brothers Studios for the totally Chucked Out panel we were fortunate to witness up close and personal! This fantastic Chuck event was held […]

Hey WonderCon Fans! Very Happy Easter Day wishes from Team WHR (to all who celebrate)! It was an early morning start for me. I was able to convince my friend, Ginger, to come along for the day. Once inside we waited in line at the Esplanade Ballroom of the Moscone […]


Hey Convention Fans, Today April 02, 2010 marked the opening day of the fantastic WonderCon convention in San Francisco. SciFiFanGirl616 arrived about an hour before Press Registration time and to get the “lay of the land” at Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Good thing too as the place is […]


Hey SciFi, Comics, and Convention Fans! Wondering about WonderCon and want to know what is happening in San Francisco these days? Well here it is! Click the linked banner below to learn all about WonderCon being one of the largest conventions in the world featuring many studios like Disney Pictures, […]

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