Hello science fiction fans! Gifts… Who has not had a problem with finding an appropriate present for a friend or themselves (yes it is good to spoil oneself with a gift once in a while) in their life? However, from now this problem for science-fiction and fantasy fans has been […]


Hey Stargate and Twilight fans! Well it is all true folks! This weekend WHR will be deploying Senior Reporters covering not one but two Creation Entertainment conventions located in two cities across the country simultaneously! ZOMG! First our Stargate convention team! Lead by none other that our dear Sr. Reporter […]


The day for CollectorMania 16 started off with my daughter, our friends and I running round the house, desperately trying to all get ready at the same time. Our dogs got under our feet (they wanted to come too), and I forgot the camera and had to go back to […]

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