Welcome back Stargate lovers and WormholeRiders, He could be thought of as a Stargate Hero. Shortly after Atlantis had been canceled, Joe Flanigan attempted to resurrect Stargate by raising the funds to pay for a sixth season. Unfortunately, Joe’s timing was off and just as he was in talks with […]


Hello Dragon*Con Fans This was my first year attending Dragon*Con and I have to say that I immediately decided I had to go again next year. I arrived in Atlanta on Thursday (without any airplane problems) and was able to pick up my registration after only waiting in line for […]


Huzzah Dragon*Con Fans! Not to play favorites, but of all the conventions I attend, Dragon*Con is my favorite. Ok, so I am playing favorites. Whatever! I’m allowed! It’s an awesome convention. If you’ve been, you understand. So… this was my third year at Dragon*Con. I was looking forward to seeing […]


Hey Stargate Atlantis Convention Fans! First, I have a new nickname. Bossy Trish. More on that later! Sunday, the final day of Creation Entertainment’s MinCon Stargate 2010 started off great. I slept in. Woohoo! Actually it wasn’t a problem because the much anticipated David Hewlett / Joe Flanigan panel wasn’t […]


My fellow fans, This past weekend I interviewed Aleks Paunovic of, to name a few, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Battlestar: Galactica, Human Target, Transparency, and whom you will soon see in an upcoming episode of Caprica in which he plays William Adama, Sr., father to Joseph and Sam. […]


When I say today at Creation Entertainment’s Stargate 2010 was nuts, I mean it. Completely insane, wonko, off the rocker, downright crazy! Yep. I’m writing this report at about 1:40 AM and I just got in from the dessert party. I’m getting ahead of myself, so I’ll walk you through […]


Well folks, we’ve reached the end of the DragonCon convention at last. On Monday, the final day of a truly epic convention, the crowd thinned as people had to go back to home and work. Attendance was still good at the final Stargate panel though, filling over half the seats. […]


Hey Stargate Universe fans! With all our thanks to SyFy, MGM Studios, and NBC, WormholeRiders were granted the privilege to preview Stargate Universe episode 10 ‘Justice’ before the air date today Friday December 04, 2009 on SyFy in the United States. There was something special about the digital copy we […]

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