Welcome Van Helsing lovers, WormholeRiders and Vampires Victims around the World! Subsequent to the enjoyment of watching and tweeting the Van Helsing season one episodes, and the sheer delight of visiting the panel last year at SDCC, where we watched the pilot episode in it’s entirity, we at Team WHR […]

Welcome to WHR Radio Where You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview with our last special guest host, a wonderful actor, the very talented Mr. Alex Zahara. On Sunday March 04, 2012, Alex talked about one of his (and our) greatest concerns, plastics pollution with you and […]

Welcome to WHR RadioWhere You Decide!  We are pleased to announce superb actor and extremely gifted Mr. Peter Kelamis as our first in a series of special guest celebrity hosts where “You Decide“! A brand new human interest topical radio program (our newest endeavor) is a series known as the […]


Hello Dragon*Con Fans This was my first year attending Dragon*Con and I have to say that I immediately decided I had to go again next year. I arrived in Atlanta on Thursday (without any airplane problems) and was able to pick up my registration after only waiting in line for […]

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