Greetings Stargate and Dragon*Con fans! Dragon*Con hosts a charity auction every year. The charity itself changes from year to year however the fans’ eagerness to raise money for these charities is always at full force. The charity for 2010 is the Lupus Foundation. I have a cousin who suffers from […]


Hello Dragon*Con Fans This was my first year attending Dragon*Con and I have to say that I immediately decided I had to go again next year. I arrived in Atlanta on Thursday (without any airplane problems) and was able to pick up my registration after only waiting in line for […]


Hello Pierre Bernard, Jr. and Dragon*Con fans! While attending Dragon*Con 2010 this September I had the privilege of interviewing one of my favorite artists, Pierre Bernard, Jr. Pierre is known for his Recliner of Rage on the Conan O’Brien show and for his appearance in the Stargate SG-1 episodes “200”in […]


Huzzah Dragon*Con Fans! Not to play favorites, but of all the conventions I attend, Dragon*Con is my favorite. Ok, so I am playing favorites. Whatever! I’m allowed! It’s an awesome convention. If you’ve been, you understand. So… this was my third year at Dragon*Con. I was looking forward to seeing […]

Hey Chicago Stargate and Dragon*Con Fans, WormholeRiders News Agency is proud to announce the latest additions to our team and deployment of our senior editors, reporters, support staff, Team Leaders and special project analysts to Chicago Illinois and Atlanta Georgia to bring you Live From the Convention coverage for your […]

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