Greetings Stargate and Dragon*Con fans! Dragon*Con hosts a charity auction every year. The charity itself changes from year to year however the fans’ eagerness to raise money for these charities is always at full force. The charity for 2010 is the Lupus Foundation. I have a cousin who suffers from […]

Hello alternative press and comic book fans, During my first day at the Alternative Press Exposition I explored the historic converted railway station now known as the Concourse Exhibition Center in San Francisco reveling in the fact that the APE convention had more than doubled in size over 2009! The […]


Hello fans of Joe Flanigan, Recently on Twitter, Mr. Joe Flanigan wrote a lovely letter asking everyone and anyone for help for a dear friend of his, Ms. Sarah Geary, suffering from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) commonly know as Lou Gerhrig’s Disease.  You can find Mr. Flanigan’s charity letter here. […]


Hi Charity Fans! As you may be aware this weekend is The Sanctuary Experience also known as Vanctuary! The TSE convention being held in Vancouver British Columbia this weekend to the delight of Sanctuary fans the world over! Our reporter Ash0283 is on-site due to courtesy from the wonderful Julia […]


It was via word of mouth on Twitter, primarily from the Stargate: Universe people, that I first heard about “Tacos for Trey” and the Purcells’ involvement with increasing fundraising and awareness of a genetic disorder called Mucopolysaccharidosis II (MPS II), or Hunter Syndrome. When I first got to “Tacos for […]

Hey Fans of Charity Functions. WHR is honored to do a follow up report on a super charity event that recently occurred brought to you by request from the fabulous team of people at Warner Brothers and MTV Networks. Click the banner above to visit the cool peeps who sponsored […]


Hey Josh Blacker Fans! We would like to ask that you consider making a charity donation to Mr. Josh Blacker’s favorite charity “Jest for Joy”. This is a wonderful charity organization that helps bring laughter and joy to those under hospital care who may be in need of “Clown Doctoring” […]

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