The Ark Review It Will Be Over Soon and There Could Be Much Sadness!

Welcome Science Fiction Lovers on The Ark!

The Ark Season 2 poster
Images courtesy SYFY

As season two of The Ark winds down, the episodes get better and better. All have become invested into the lives and challenges of the main characters Captain Sharon Garnet (Christie Burke), Lt. Spencer Lane and Ian the clone (Reece Ritchie), Lt. James Brice (Richard Fleeshman), Kelly Fowler (Samantha Glassner), Dr. Sanjivni Kabir (Shalini Peiris), Angus Medford (Ryan Adams), Alicia Nevins (Stacey Read), Eva Markovic (Tiana Upcheva), Security Chief Felix Strickland (Pavle Jerinic), Sasha Novak (Milos Cvetkovic), Jelena Griff (Tamara Radovanovic), William Trust (Paul Leonard Murray), Naomi Spencer (Jessica Yemi), Lati Meir (Coral Mizrachi), Kimi Joma (Díana Bermudez), Dr. Marsh (Jadran Malkovich), Captain Zed Evega (Daniel Fathers), Stella Cogner (Jelena Moore), Maija Lync (Olivera Perunicic), Evil Evelyn Maddox (Jelena Stupljanin), as well as deceased members Cat Brandice (Christina Wolfe) and Helena Trust (Mercedes De La Cruz).

If the series does not survive past two seasons, we all hope the actors, writers, producers and series creator Dean Devlin, and Executive Producer Jonathan Glassner will go on to bigger and better things. But, to be honest, we would really rather that the series continue on one network or another, or maybe even on a streaming platform. It’s difficult to become invested in a show only to watch it die. It’s like reading only half a book. Come on SYFY, PLEASE RenewTheArk and make this happen for your loyal viewers!



It Will Be Over Soon:

The Ark S2x11 Captain Sharon Garnet heading to Trappist-1D
Image courtesy SYFY

The Ark has arrived in the Trappist System in an excellent episode written by India Sage Wilson and directed by Orsi Nagypal. Everyone on Ark-1 is excited to see where they hope to eventually live subsequent to their ordeals in deep space.

Planet Trappist-1D, according to Alicia Nevins is remarkably similar to Earth and should be able to sustain human life. This raises two questions for me.

1. If it can sustain human life, shouldn’t there already be life there? If there is, wouldn’t we be repeating the same colonising screw ups of destroying the Indigenous people of old? No Prime Directive, then.
2. One hundred years in the future, we have not given up our old ways of destroying our world. In time, won’t we just eradicate this new world? Or is that someone else’s problem?

The Ark S2x11 Captain Sharon Garnet calling Trappist-1D
Image courtesy SYFY

After a small delay Garnet contacts the colony. It seems that the people on the planet are happy that the crew of Ark -1 have arrived safely.

They crew of Ark-1 are seemingly welcomed warmly. Is that a Red Flag? If things seem to be too good to be true, doesn’t that mean that they often are? Keep watching since bad stuff is about to happen!

The Ark S2x11 Kelly has a chat with Dr. Marsh
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY)

Kelly Fowler is having another chat with Dr. Marsh. She is intrigued, annoyed, disappointed and confused that he didn’t tell her that he was a Post Human. She demands an answer. Kelly definitely has an aggressive way about her. If she ever gets her freedom back, the rest of the crew won’t be lining up to be friends. Dr. Marsh tries to reassure her that she is awesome the way that she is. It’s not working. Kelly doesn’t buy it and feels like she’s being taken for a ride. I suspect that she will need to work on her people skills. It is interesting, to say the least, that when she was put on trial at the beginning of season two, she was ready to be tossed out of an airlock. How she has changed. Now she is trying to help people to make up for past misdeeds. Most definitely, a noble effort. It also seems that Dr. Marsh has altered the way he looks at things. He is spending a great deal of time talking to Kelly to try to convince her that she is needed. That she is worthy. The thing is, will the rest of the crew buy into it?

The Ark S2x11 Angus rushes to Alicia
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY

Alicia Nevins arrives for an unexpected duty shift to replace Mr. Trust who is not feeling well. This is a regular occurrence, we learn. Things begin to go wonky. A coolant leak blows out a couple of pipes, spreading radiation and injuring both women. At first it seems like an accident. Fortunately, in Med Bay, Alicia is recovering and not as badly injured as Maija Lync, an Ark -15 passenger who has joined Ark -1.

Angus Medford hurries to Alicia’s side, relieved that she will be okay. Angus hasn’t gotten as much to do lately as the other characters on the series. After losing his position, during his earlier recovery, he didn’t know what to do with himself. Later, as boss of the Bio Farm he seems to not have very much to do and spends a large amount of time with Alicia.


The Ark S2x11 Felix gets a strange call
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY

Meanwhile, Felix Strickland gets a very unusual voice message. He is told that he needs to sabotage part of the ship. His daughter’s life is at stake if he doesn’t do what he is told. Felix had earlier been told by Kelly that his daughter was dead along with his husband on the other Ark. Speaking with his daughter, Katheryn, he learns that it is really her. She knows the name of a book he used to read to her. Shocked, Felix is about to have an emotional moment. Change the capacitors or Katheryn will lose a finger. In Sub Engineering, Felix switches the capacitors. As he finishes, in bursts Ian. The man who seems to know where to be. Felix is, of course there on legitimate business. Ian is not sure he believes that. During a chat in Felix’s quarters, Felix tries to tell Garnet that he is being blackmailed. He can’t. The Evil voice knows everything.

The Ark S2x11 Dr Marsh visits Kelly again
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY

Dr. Marsh, obviously not satisfied with his earlier chat with Kelly, visits her again. As usual she is about as pleasant as her mother, Maddox. Maybe that is where she gets it from. She is still angry that Marsh won’t let her use her nanites to help others on the ship. Marsh tells Kelly that he’s stopping her from using her nanites and other tech to protect her from other people who would take advantage of her. There is nothing worse than a gullible super-being. Kelly does recognise that Marsh could easily mean the cruelty of Kelly’s mother, whom she points out will be on the planet they are traveling to. Marsh reminds her that she had threatened to kill her mother the next time they met. Will she? We don’t know. She doesn’t know, herself.

The Ark S2x11Felix gets a visit from Sharon
Image courtesy SYFY

“Not now, Ian!” The man deserves an award for lurking. He finds Garnet yet again. She’s somewhat miffed that he won’t let their favourite topic of conversation go. But, no, it’s not about that. Yet again, that is a topic for another time. Ian saw Felix where he was not supposed to be. Strickland was near the very system that later overloaded. Sadly, instead of listening to him, she shuts him down. She basically tells him to stop turning things into a ship wide soap opera. This really isn’t, As the Ark Turns. He needs to get back to work. For an Engineer, he never seems to be that busy. Will anyone listen to him? He’s definitely not someone who takes no for an answer. Well done, Ian.

The Ark S2x11 In the Ready Room
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY

Garnet, Strickland, Eva, and Brice are in the Ready Room conversing about the apparent sabotage in Sub Engineering. Someone is trying to kill Maija and Alicia. Garnet believes that Maija may be someone they now have to worry about since she was part of Ark -15; someone they really don’t know. Strickland begins tapping his fingers lightly on the table. He has volunteered to accompany Trust on the Space Walk. At the direction of the Evil Voice he has to obey, Strickland directs everyone’s attention away from himself or Maija and toward Ian as the possible culprit of the sabotage. Garnet and Brice notice Strickland seems a bit distracted. The Evil Voice directs him to alter the data in the Air Lock so the ship thinks Trust and he are safely aboard once their work is done. Trust has to do the Spacewalk to repair the Dote (whatever that is) that had been sabotaged. Strickland offers to accompany Trust on the EVA. Strickland is a Security officer, so I’m wondering why he doesn’t have a suspicion about who is trying to kill who.

The Ark S2x11 Ian is lurking
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY

Ian is lurking again. How does he know where each member of the crew is at any given moment? He asks Brice to hear him out about what he thinks is going on. He needs to tell someone who will believe him and then tell Garnet. They both head to the spot in Engineering where Ian spotted Strickland interfering with a component. To pass the time, Ian talks about his love of Jazz. Apparently, Spencer Lane hated Jazz. Lane’s explanation about Jazz was, “a group of people who couldn’t read music trying to guess which song to play.” Ian responds that although they looked the same they were two different people. He wished he had gotten to know Lane better. It has been made clear over the last two episodes that Lane was a very popular character. The crew, and especially Brice and Garnet miss him very much.

The Ark S2x11 Felix with Katana sword
Image courtesy SYFY

Strickland finds Garnet after he was playing with his Katana sword in his quarters thinking about revenge for whoever has his daughter. Felix tells her that it is definitely Ian who is responsible for the sabotage. But there is more. The information the need for evidence is with Maija’s things in Med Bay, As he tells her this, he is tapping on his arm with his fingers. Garnet has finally gotten the message. She heads down to Med Bay and discovers that Maija was also being blackmailed. Garnet realises that Felix has a major blackmail problem. She calls everyone to the Ready Room, leaves a recording of her directions for the Senior Crew. They remove their communications devices and leave them on the table to meet together in what seems like a closet just off the Ready Room. They plan their next moves. Felix explains that he found out his daughter was alive and being used against him. It’s great that those in attendance: Brice, Garnet, Ian, Felix and Eva, were able to pull off the mental and technological gymnastics required to fool the Evil Voice blackmailer. The group figures out that Evil Voice wants to kill Trust. At this point, since he joined the crew of Ark -1, who hasn’t wanted to kill Trust? Garnet tells them that she has a plan, but they can’t tell Trust.

The Ark S2x11 Preparing for space walk
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY

According to Evil Voice, Strickland now knows too much. They want him dead as well. It’s a simple choice for Strickland, either he dies or his daughter does. Trust and Strickland prepare to Space Walk. Strickland has tampered with Trusts helmet so he can’t demand help. They exit into space. Trust completes the work. As soon as he does it, Strickland severs his tether. then he removes his own. Strickland sends Trust floating off then follows him, Ark-1 moves forward,

As it does, Trust screams. So, it’s true. In space, no one can hear you scream. Once safe on EF-2, assisting in their sneaky sabotage of Evil Voice and his nefarious schemes Strickland requests that he be able to track down whoever is responsible for taking his daughter and blackmailing him. Watch out, Evil Voice, don’t mess with an angry dad.


The Ark S2x11 Will Ark-1 finding happiness
Image by Aleksandar Letic Ark TV Holdings courtesy SYFY

There is only one episode left. It is named “Fortunate” Will the crew be fortunate and live happily ever after on Trappist-1D? If the series were to continue and we all hope it will, living on a planet would require a name change for the series.

It would be more likely that Ark -1 would have to leave for a good reason and continue to wander in Space with or without the Eastern Federation ship. We hope that this series gets another chance for a third season and is resurrected just as the survivors of Earth were when they boarded The Ark!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on X!Thanks to Kenn for staging images for my review and analysis of this episode of The Ark, the featured videos, and, many thanks to you for stopping by WormholeRiders News Agency!

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The Ark Analysis - Fortunate at Trappist-1D or Not So Much?

Wed Oct 2 , 2024
Welcome Science Fiction Lovers on The Ark! We here at TeamWHR have immensely enjoyed this series and hope this is not the last review we write for it. Kudos are deservedly due to the wonderful writers team including series creator Dean Devlin, Jonathan Glassner, India Sage Wilson, Madeline Hendricks Lewen, […]
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