Primeval New World: Exclusive Martin Wood Interview on a Potential Season Two


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The “non-renewal” of the Primeval New World series by Space Channel is definitely a huge disappointment to all the cast, crews and creators! Martin Wood, one of the Executive Producers who works closely with Gillian Horvath, joined us today for an exclusive interview about the potential for a second season of this beloved program.

Here, everyone at WormholeRiders News Agency team in general, and to me in particular were saddened to hear about the non renewal of Primeval New World. For me, my heart is broken because I love this show!

Click to learn more about Martin Wood!The sad fact is that television shows are a business and if a show is not garnering a big enough ratings for the advertisers, or if there is not enough interest from other countries to air the series, the logical next step is that the series does not get renewed.

Fortunately, Primeval New World is airing in seventeen countries. Only one broadcaster in one country (Canada) has said they will not renew the series. There is hope for a season two as Mr. Woods indicates in his interview.

Perhaps worst of all are so-called fans who are illegally downloading programs as Martin Wood states in his exclusive interview playing above.

Illegally viewing or downloading hurts program ratings, takes jobs away from the crews, actors and creators of a program like Primeval New World, and has, in our opinion, also contributed to the cancellation of shows like Sanctuary, Stargate, as well as many others in recent history.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Peeps downloading or viewing illegally are like scorpions biting the hand that feeds themTragically, illegal downloading almost ensures that programs get canceled while others who steal the work of others make money off of the people who worked so hard to bring us the shows we love.

We sincerely ask that you “Just Say No” to all your friends about illegal downloading or viewing. Thank you.

We include the “Sound of Thunder Part Two” season one finale featurette below for your enjoyment courtesy of Primeval New World!

Primeval New World S1x13 - Dylan fights for her life

The Sound of Thunder Part Two:

Primeval New World S1x13 - T-Rex rampages in the UKThe very last episode of season one of Primeval New World opens with the United Kingdom ARC Team chasing a T-Rex down a street in what appears to be London in an excellent scene that was actually filmed in the famous Gas Lamp District of Vancouver.

Thankfully, the nasty prehistoric beast heads back through a portal just as the team from ARC reach the anomaly.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Robert Lawrenson as KieranKieran (Robert Lawrenson), who seems to be new to the group at this point, gets too close to the portal.

When the terrifying T-Rex dinosaur reappears on this side of the portal, it forces him to back through the anomaly to avoid getting eaten.

Returning Primeval hero, the legendary Connor Temple (Andrew Lee Potts) quickly goes after Keiran through the portal.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Andrew-Lee Potts returns as Connor Temple

Primeval New World S1x13 - T-Rex goes wildThere is so much potential for series success here with the United Kingdom ARC Team re-entering the Primeval New World picture withe the show currently airing in seventeen (17) countries and coming soon to the United States on Syfy, I can only hope there will be more seasons of this great show in the future.

Primeval New World S1x13 - United Kingdom ARC TeamWhen I find my self thinking about the return of the ARC Team led by Connor Temple, it might have done more good to have them appear several episodes back, to help build excitement and anticipation for the show.

After the very lively beginning of the season one finale, with the United Kingdom ARC Team appearing, we return to the “present time” story line.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Dylan ruhses back with scorpion tail to save Toby

Dylan Weir (Sara Canning) is observed hurrying back through an anomaly to the Cross Photonics lab with the prehistoric scorpion’s tail in an effort to save Toby Nance’s (Crystal Lowe) life.

Toby, who had been stung by the poisonous beast in part one of “The Sound of Thunder”, is now on life support barely clinging to existence pending Dylan’s arrival.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Toby is in the hospital in need of scorpian serum

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan is trapped behind bouldersAs “The Sound of Thunder” part two begins, we find Cross Photonics leader Evan Cross (Niall Matter) is still trapped behind a huge barrier of large boulders.

Evan is hoping that someone will come back soon to get him before he becomes lunch for the gigantic scorpion who is trapped with him.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Lexa Doig as Doctor FridkinAt the lab, Dr. Fridkin (Lexa Doig) has bad news that Mac (Danny Rahim) does not want to hear.

Toby is stable for the time being, but after being stung by the scorpion last episode, she will lose this battle if Dylan does not get back right away to make serum to save her life. Dr. Fridkin has a great line for Mac, “let’s pretend a little longer”.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Mac gets bad news about Toby from Dr Fridkin

Primeval New World S1x13 - Ange wants answersMac then notices that Ange (Miranda Frigon) is outside the door. He steps outside, anger building, as he warns her not to attempt another recruitment drive around Toby.

Ange comes back with, “the one who’s hurting the most gets to be an @@shole?”

Mac reminds her that she has switched sides, “you’re here helping, but we all know that comes with a price tag”.

Meanwhile, Dylan has run out of one anomaly and back through another to arrive back at the Cross Photonics warehouse.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Dylan heads for the portal

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor arrives in the portal hubAs she has done that, Connor makes an appearance in the hub, very near to the two anomalies just used by Dylan. He is still looking for his team mate, Kieran.

Noticing the knife that Dylan left at the foot of the anomaly occupied by Evan, Connor assumes that is a message for him, and enters the same anomaly in hot pursuit.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor finds signs of humans in the pastThere is, of course, lots of evidence of human activity within the new environment. It would be safe to say that Connor would still believe that he is on the right track as he looks for his friend.

Dylan hands over the scorpion tail, telling the soldiers on duty to get it to the lab. She is headed back into the anomaly with a piece of pipe to use as a wedge for the rocks. As she makes it to the other side, she catches up to Connor.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor finds Dylan as they identify the scorpion trapsAs Dylan moves forward to investigate the situation she identifies the mysterious holes as scorpion sand traps to Connor where they can find what they need to save everyone back in the future.

It would have been better, I think, had Dylan identified the sand holw traps in “The Sound of Thunder” first part of this exciting two part episode. Just my opinion.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor and Dylan examine the scorpion holes

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor and Dylan discuss what they must do to save Evan

Primeval New World S1x13 - Lt Leeds arrives with the scorpion tail to save TobyBack at the Cross Photonics lab, Lt. Ken Leeds (Geoff Gustafson) arrives with the crucially needed scorpion tail to produce serum and save Toby.

Everyone gets busy, but Dr. Fridkin gets to be the one to remove the venom from the tail. Of course, everyone in the lab is hoping that it is not too late for our poor Toby Nance who is laying comatose from the scorpion poison.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Everyone gets involved to save Toby

Primeval New World S1x13 - Dylan and Connor reach an agreement to save his friend and EvanDylan and Connor have finally reached Evan’s location. They first must move a large number of rocks that have imprisoned Evan with a scorpion in the sand hole trap.

Connor and Dylan come to a mutual agreement. If Connor will help Dylan with saving Evan, she will help Connor find his lost friend Kieran.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan has been holding off the giant scorpion with his taserIt seems that they are cutting things pretty close as well, since Evan has been forced to resort to using his hand held taser to attempt to keep the scorpion at bay, and he is running out of juice as the hungry scorpion moves in for the kill.

Finally they break through. Evan scrambles through the hole to the other side and away from the giant bug and they all high tail it out of the nightmarish place.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor and Dylan arrive to save Evan

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor Dylan and Evan get the hell out of there

Primeval New World S1x13 - Toby flatlines close to deathThings get worse for Toby. She has gone into cardiac arrest at the lab with the monitor showing a flat line. Dr, Fridkin injects the antitoxin into her I.V. Moments later, the monitor shows a pulse.

Although I hope this is an accurate medical drama scene that saves Toby, and since I am not a doctor, I have no idea, but it sure makes for an exciting story line!

Primeval New World S1x13 - Toby is savedLater, Toby tells Mac that she heard him say they were best friends while she was unconscious. She also tells him that she felt as if she were on a different level of consciousness.

Everything was clearer to her, including why the anomaly timer was giving different information. It was because there were other anomalies on the other side of the one she was looking at. Very clever, this lady.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Ange returns to confirm Toby's hypothesisEnter Ange, who admits that what Toby is describing is very possible. In fact, Ange tells both Mac and Toby that there are dozens of anomalies that were causing interference with Toby’s device.

Evan and Dylan are still out there trapped. Mac hands Toby her laptop so she can go back to work to solve the problem to save Evan, Dylan, Connor and his friend.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Mac hands Toby her laptop so she can solve the problem

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor Dylan and Evan are safe at the anomlay hubOnce Evan, Dylan and Connor reach the relative safety of the anomaly hub, Connor describes to Dylan and Evan how his team mate came to be trapped there in the prehistoric past.

An Albertasaurus, smaller and meaner than a T-Rex, chased him through the anomaly. Evan asks, “did it have something wrong with its arm?”

Connor replies that “it did, why?”

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor, Dylan and Evan head through the anomaly back to the building“Because the same one killed my wife six years ago. It will be through there”, Evan tells the team.

They all walk through another anomaly and venture back to the building where the dinosaur showed up and killed his wife in the past. Upon arrival at the building, they all take notice of a weapon on the floor just up ahead of them.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Toby is hard at work on the problemOnce our computer genius Toby figures out the decay rate of the anomaly that Evan and Dylan still occupy, she tells Ange that it will close in less than twelve hours, and they must work fast to save them.

Ange immediately gets onto her phone. She tells Toby and Mac that she is calling someone who can mount a full scale rescue operation. Likely, none other than her faithful military adviser, Colonel Hall (Louis Ferreira).

Primeval New World S1x13 - Ange calls Colonel Hall

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan and Dylan decide to split upConnor and Evan and Dylan decide to split up to cover more ground. Evan is still having torturous self doubt about his decision back in 2006 that cost his wife her life.

We find out that Kieran is injured. His leg is in pretty bad shape. However, he is still willing to deal with the dinosaur.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor tells Kieran it is very complicatedConnor tells Kieran the whole thing is really very complicated. They are back in 2006, so whatever is going to happen in the next few minutes has already happened, and they cannot interfere.

Unfortunately, when they leave through the anomaly, the Albertasaurus follows them and, as it arrives, so does Colonel Hall, with a well equipped small army. He shoots the dinosaur. Evan approaches him, “what did you just do?” Hall replies, “I just saved your life”.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Colonel Hall says I just saved your life

Primeval New World S1x13 - Colonel Hall tells them they will come along for a debriefThis is where Colonel Hall manages to really create barriers. Once he discovers that there are two “civilians”, he wants them to come back with his men to be debriefed.

Connor tells him, in the nicest way possible, that he needs to go to his home with Kieran because they are not from the same time.

However, Connor does not provide Hall with any more information. Colonel Hall decides that the two ARC Team members are coming back with him. And for that matter so is the darn dinosaur!

Primeval New World S1x13 - Colonel Hall heads back through the anomaly

Primeval New World S1x13 - Toby chats with Lt Leeds who arrives at her hospital bed

Primeval New World S1x13 - Lt Leeds arrives at Toby's hospital bedLeeds arrives at Toby’s bed to inform Mac that Evan does not want anyone else going through the anomaly, and Hall has plans to do just that. So he offers Mac a uniform so that he can sneak around unobserved.

As Mac arrives on site with Leeds, he notices two members of the ARC team. Connor does not know him when Mac asks. He is still trying to piece together the reason for the other Mac in the freezer with the other ARC logo.

Connor tells Mac that he got a glimpse of something that he should not have. Mac is not quite done yet, “Six years ago, Evan changed the course of my life. I need to know who that other guy was. What he was like”.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Connor explains tim eline changes to MacConnor provides some interesting information, “Unless you are actually in an anomaly when a time line changes, you do not even know about it. You just go on living like it was always that way. What’s worse is knowing how it was supposed to be. Being the only one that remembers. This is your life. Why don’t you focus on that.” Mac has no choice. He has to accept the way things have turned out.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan and Ange have a chat about what to doInside an army ambulance, Ange sits down to have a chat with Evan. Evan is a tad anxious. Since Hall does not seem to want to listen to him, he now needs Ange to listen, and help.

Evan explains about the portal that leads back to the day that his wife died and the Albertasaurus that Hall has is the key to everything playing out as it is supposed to. Ange is somewhat startled by Evan’s request, “You want me to release the dinosaur so it can kill your wife?” Evan replies, “I don’t want you to, but you have to.”

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan tells Ange that he is determined not to change the time lineEvan shares with Ange that he is still on his quest to ensure that nothing changes in the time line.

Ange, on the other hand, tells Evan that she does not like how things have turned out and any changes that might happen as a result of keeping the dino where it is right now, could be a good thing.

Evan’s reaction, is as expected. He looks a little frustrated by the whole thing.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Ange tells Evan it might all be for the best

Primeval New World S1x13 - Doctor Jardin tells Evan he has everything is under controlThere are none so blind as those who will not see, because they arrogantly think they know everything.

Case in point, our charming scientist, Dr. Jardine (Michael Patric). He thinks he has the dinosaur well in hand and tells Evan not to worry about it. Dylan knows better.

Leeds approaches Dylan who explains the situation with the dinosaur. “The dinosaur that is supposed to kill Evan’s wife is in that truck”. Leeds asks, “and if we don’t get it back to 2006?” Dylan replies, “…dominoes”. Once he is caught up, he tells her, “Let’s get Evan”.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Dino disasters at local gas station

Primeval New World S1x13 - Ange finds Connor and KieranAnge finds Connor and Kieran. She is on to him, “I think we’ve met before. Care to tell me what you were doing at Cross Photonics six months ago pretending to be an internet repairman?” Connor, of course, is not willing to explain anything. He does tell Ange that he and Kieran need to go back through the anomaly before someone creates a time paradox. Gee, Ange, where have you heard this before.

Ange has an idea, why not work with her team. Together, they could control the anomalies. Connors reply is simple, “The anomalies are not meant to be controlled. You start messing with this stuff, and it gets very bad, very fast”. After a lengthy discussion about causing all kinds of problems if Ange messes with the time line, she agrees to let Connor and Kieran go home through the anomaly.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Lt Leeds says release EvanMeanwhile, Lt. Leeds is doing what Lt. Leeds does best, cause trouble for Col. Hall. He unofficially releases Evan into his custody. Moments later, Leeds, Evan, Dylan and Mac are plotting to gain access to the truck with the dino inside. How do they manage that? They use the old ‘distracted by the pretty girl’ ploy.

Then Mac and Evan hold on to the poor soldier while Dylan punches him in the face and knocks him out. Poor guy. Dylan does manage a, ‘sorry’. They grab the keys to the truck and are on their way.

That is, they approach the truck, getting within feet of it, only to discover that the truck has started rocking and rolling on its own. Seconds later, the dino breaks out of the truck.

Primeval New World S1x13 - The dino is hungryOnce the dino is free, the expected rampage ensues, with people running in all directions, soldiers shooting, Col. Hall yelling, “hold your fire”, to his men, and Evan looking for his weapon. The dino heads toward Leeds but Dylan manages to push him out of the way. Hall, on the other hand, gets tossed into the side of a cargo van.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan chases the dino through the anomaly with a flamethrowerMac and Evan to the rescue with flame throwers. Together they use fire to herd the dino back to the anomaly in the factory.

Once through and into the anomaly where the 2006 Evan and his wife are about to encounter the dino, Evan, Dylan and Mac discuss the repercussions. Evan realizes that he caused what is about to happen, and he always did. Dylan tries to convince him that he had to do what he did. That is when the bombshell drops. Mac realizes that if he is not there in 2006 to save Evan’s life, then Evan will get killed by the dinosaur.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Mac's anxiety level is highMac’s anxiety level is clearly rising. What happens to Evan in the now, will he simply vanish? Evan admits he does not know. Mac is now faced with an unsolvable problem. What should he do?

He is supposed to be in 2006 so he can save Evan, but it will be at the cost of his own life. He does not want Evan to die. For long moments, he agonizes over a decision. His last words to Evan are, “Stuff this”, then he disappears through the portal.

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan is stunned when he sees the anomaly wink outEvan attempts to go after Mac, but Dylan stops him. Evan then realizes, “He was the stranger. I changed that. I made him a friend. And right now he’s in there dying in my arms”. There is no time to grieve, however, since the dino bursts back through the anomaly. Evan pushes Dylan out of the way and turns his gun on the Albertasaurus, killing it.

An anomaly winks out, then another, and another. Evan realizes, “we changed something”. Both Evan and Dylan race back toward their own portal. Will they make it to the other side or get trapped?

We may never know because Primeval New World is yet to be renewed by another primary broadcaster for a second season. You can help make it happen by tweeting the hash tag #SavePrimevalNW, often!

Primeval New World S1x13 - Evan and Dylan race3 back to their own portal but will they make it

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Thanks to Kenn for final staging of the audio video embeds, inserting the images I captured in this review, for conducting the potential for a season two interview with Martin Wood, and many thanks to you for stopping by WormholeRiders News Agency!!

We look forward to seeing more of you here at our review site dedicated to our wonderful science fiction series Primeval New World!

Please feel free to leave a comment here, click an icon below to share this interview with your friends, or you can visit and follow me on Twitter by clicking on my avatar to the right.Click to visit and follow ArcticGoddess1 (Patricia) on Twitter!


Thank you.

ArcticGoddess1 (Patricia)

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