Welcome back to WHR You Decide for our special Stargate Summit 3! The Goa’uld are at it again Stargate fans! This time, they have teamed up with the Wraith, or, more specifically, one Wraith, who has plans of her own! Join us for the latest installment of the System Lord’s […]


Hello again convention fans! CHEVRON 7.5 Firstly a huge thank you to Massive Events for pulling off yet another fantastic weekend. The guests were both funny and entertaining. We had great access to them, a real plus in my books as other events tend to herd you around with little […]


Hello all! As with any convention, there’s the laughter, the “what the…” moments and just the downright interesting parts…both good and bad! Chevron 7.5 was no different. Understandably, I think most people went into this convention with heavy hearts after both Teryl Rothery and Michael Shanks not able to attend […]


Hello again Stargate fans! Let me start off by saying that this year’s Stargate Convention in Chicago was arguably the best Creation Entertainment convention I have been to yet. The atmosphere was laid back and relaxed and provided a sense of calm for all attending. It was fun and funny […]


Hello Creation Entertainment Stargate Convention Fans! My annual trip to Creation Entertainment’s Chicago Con this year started out quite slowly, as in at a standstill. My plane had mechanical difficulties and had to be checked by mechanics at the gate. After taxiing around the runway, sitting and then getting off […]


Hello GateCon Fans! First up on stage was Stargate Atlantis’ Dr. Beckett, Mr. Paul McGillion.  I decided to get the preliminaries out of the way, by yelling, “Are you married yet?” He smiled and replied that the wedding is in September, “if she will still have me.” Apparently, the bachelor […]

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