Welcome back Silo Science Fiction Lovers,

Season two episodes nine “The Safeguard” and episode ten “Into The Fire” exceeded our expectations. We give the series a straight “A” for season two. The rebellion in Silo Eighteen become manifest while events in Silo Seventeen reveal important details dovetailing the season two finale setting up excitement for season three!
Showrunner and series creator Graham Yost in recent interviews shared where his superb science fiction series adaptation of the novels is going in Silo season three: “There are a lot of mysteries about Silo 17. The chief one being that all those people went outside, they had an hour to get outside. They didn’t all die in three minutes. What the fuck happened out there? That’s gonna be part of Season 3. You’ll get the answers to all of that. And then there are other things you don’t find out until Season 4”
Viewers will recall that in a July 2013 interview with SFFWorld author Hugh Howey discussed on the meaning behind the title of his first book “Wool”. Howey also shared where we might be going in season four in another interview with SFFWorld conducted in September 2013 that discusses the final book in the series “Dust”: “There are quite a few meanings behind the title of the series. There’s the old phrase ‘Pull the wool over my eyes’ which is the question raised by the (Silo) wallscreens” (screen that viewers witness in the television series on Apple TV.

“What is really out there? Who is being deceived? Or are they? There’s also the allusion to sheep, those metaphorical blind followers who just do what they’re told, go where they’re told to go, never question. A third meaning has to do with humans being compared to sheep when we are taken advantage of or ‘fleeced’.”
All of these interviews have contemporary parallels. Readers with the print editions might notice a hidden clue here and there. The cover of the first “Wool” is meant to highlight the multiple meanings. “I’ve only pointed this out to a few people (I prefer to let readers discover these things on their own), but if you look at the center of the cover, the two ‘O’s look like eyes staring out at the beautiful world beyond. Is the wool pulled down over what we see? Or do we see through it? I really hope the answer to this question bounces back and forth for the reader as they progress through the story.”
In the final two episodes viewers were provided answers to many of the questions posed in the novels including what is in “The Vault” of each Silo as well as a surprise ending in the season finale.
The Safeguard:

As we proceed to analyze the final two episodes of season two, it is Important to remember that other than Miscreant Mayor Holland (Tim Robbins) The Head of IT and their shadows Lukas Kyle (Avi Nash), and Judge Meadows (Tanya Moodie), people who live in their respective Silo’s have no clue regarding the other network Silo bunkers that we learn number fifty-one in total.

Each Silo resident believes that they are the last remnants of humanity protected from an external polluted environment where no human being can survive. The extra Silo is likely where whoever or whatever controls the Artificial Intelligence (AI), is a central control hub monitoring the happenings in each Silo. We learn that the AI is referred to as “The Algorithm” takes lethal precautions (The Safeguard) in the event of Silo rebellions or other emergency events. Who or what is inside the fifty-first Silo is not revealed. is it a computer controlled AI or are there other human survivors controlling everything?

Written by Jessica Blaire and directed by Amber Templemore, episode nine sets the pivot point to the season two finale as Sheriff Paul Billings (Chinaza Uche), Hank (Billy Postlethwaite), and Juliette’s (Rebecca Ferguson) father Dr. Pete Nichols (Iain Glen) begin to have serious doubts about Mayor Holland. Billings and his wife Kathleen (Caitlin Zoz) decide to join the rebellion group of Martha Walker (Harriet Walter) who is being blackmailed monitored by Holland to save her lover Carla McLain (Clare Perkins). This factor is unknown to the rest of the main rebellion members Knox (Shane McRae), and Shirley Campbell (Remmie Milner).

Meanwhile Lukas Kyle, who has broken the code of Salvador Quinn and “The Pact”, heads deep into Silo Eighteen where he learns about “The Safeguard”. As he ventures further into a tunnel, he find that it ends in a circular vault door. Unexpectedly, the AI voice demands answers from Lukas. “Lukas Kyle, why are you here?” The AI tells him that only three people have ever made it that far: Salvador Quinn (who we do not meet), Mary Meadows who was murdered by Holland, and George Wilkins (Ferdinand Kingsley) who was Juliette’s lover who was also murdered for knowing too much.

Back in Silo Seventeen, Juliette uncovers the truth about Solo’s past. Viewers learn about three characters teens that attacked Solo (Steve Zahn) and Juliette. The three are named Audrey (Georgina Sadler), Rick (Orlando Norman), and Hope (Sara Hazemi) nicknamed Eater who is treated like a slave. Each are children of the Silo Seventeen survivors of the initial rebellion who never went outside to perish as a result of “The Safeguard”. Audrey and Rick grew up in Silo Seventeen literally looking for scraps of food that keep them alive. They have two children together, one of whom is a baby. Their parents were killed by Solo which is why they seek retribution for their parents murder. In the previous episode. Audrey and Rick kidnapped Solo who is the only person who knows The Vault code where Solo has food.

A major reveal in “The Safeguard” is that Juliette learns that Solo’s father was killed when he was a teenager just like Audrey and Rick who were the only other survivors of Silo Seventeen. As such Solo was actually the victim in all the Silo Seventeen events including the fact that his father was murdered by the Silo Seventeen Sheriff forcing Solo to hide inside The Vault at a young age. We learn that Solo’s fathers real name as the head of Information Technology of Silo Seventeen, was Russell Conroy (Nick Haverson). After locking himself in the vault, Solo, on his dad’s instructions to protect his own life does so. Since he grew up in isolation, this explains Solo’s immature behavior that we have observed.

As the episode winds down we witness Lukas exploring the tunnels in Silo Eighteen just as Juliette had when she went to the bottom of Silo Seventeen. Exactly what is “The Safeguard” and what or who is the overbearing AI who enforces the rules of the Silos? Will Lukas reveal what he has learned in the season finale to Robert Sims (Common) who warned Lucas he is being used by Mayor Holland and his wife Camille (Alexandria Riley)? And will Juliette succeed to head back to Silo Eighteen before the rebellion erupts there?
Into The Fire:

Written by Aric Avelino and directed by Amber Templemore wherein viewers will learn that Juliette and Lukas discovered the same thing when the ominous AI warns it will initiate “The Safeguard” (a release of poison gas) to be activated killing everyone in a given Silo in the process. This is precisely what was perpetrated in Silo Seventeen when the rebellion erupted there. The victims didn’t die from going outside, the all perished from the poison gas!

The episode focus is on the growing rebellion in Silo Eighteen of which Miscreant Mayor Holland has become aware. This apparently includes destroying the Silo Eighteen generator system at the lowest Mechanical level. Holland overhears this because he has a camera in Martha Walker’s room to blackmail her. Mayor Holland believes the rebellion meeting completely, sending his entire force to the generator level to disarm the explosives and arrest all the perpetrators.

What Mayor Holland does not know is that Martha Walker used sign language to communicate and warn Dr. Nichols. The good doctor moves to a level above the generator and detonates a suicide vest to destroy the stair case. The result is that all of Holland’s police force are trapped in the lower levels allowing the rebellion to take place.
Next we are in a meeting between Lukas and Miscreant Mayor Holland. Although we do not hear what is being said, we assume that it about “The Safeguard”. When Holland finds out his forces are trapped, he gets his own hazmat suit to escape the Silo before he can be captured by the rebellious residents.

However, before Holland can step outside through the airlock, Juliette enters Silo Eighteen after her journey from Silo Seventeen where she saved Solo after linking up with him again, promising him that she will return to Silo Seventeen if at all possible. Juliette shares with Holland that that they can still save their underground home if they work together, telling Holland about how “The Safeguard” can be stopped without revealing the details.

Unfortunately, before Holland and Juliette can finally work it out, they find themselves trapped inside Silo Eighteen’s airlock. The airlock’s decontamination flames automatically activate as Holland screams get down!

As Bernard and Juliette drop to the floor to save themselves, the scene does not reveal their ultimate fate. Nevertheless, since Juliette is the main character of the series, she will no doubt survive in season three and beyond.
We cannot say the same for the hated Miscreant Mayor Holland. Based on the books where the Holland character is burned to death.

We will have to wait and see if season three features the Mayor Holland character or not. Why? Because in a sequence prior to this, Judge Robert Sims heads to the Silo Eighteens Vault with his wife Camille and son after Lukas tells them to do so.
To his surprise, the AI voice in the Vault orders Robert and his son to leave, informing Camille that only she may stay. This suggests that the AI has been keeping a close eye on all the events that Camille has been exercising to enhance her political power. The question for viewers to ponder once again is “The Algorithm” AI voice a person or a super intelligent computer monitoring everything from Silo fifty-one? This question is not addressed, but it becomes obvious that Camille has been selected as the new mayor of Silo Eighteen IT to replace Holland. Is this Holland’s final episode in the series? Perhaps.

As we move to conclude this superb season, viewers must recall that earlier in season two, Mayor Holland revealed the Silos were built 352 years earlier. This suggests that it has been over three centuries since the apocalyptic event forced many human survivors to find shelter in the Silo underground structures. Based on the last known rebellion approximately 140 years earlier this and that it had been over 185 years prior to that since the beginning of the Silo’s, viewers can assume the final scenes in the season happened at least three hundred fifty-two years before the “current” events.

What is revealed in the final minutes is a scene that occurs well before the Silo’s future timeline in Washington DC. We meet a journalist named Helen (Jessica Henwick), who works for The Washington Post. Helen is meeting with an unnamed Congressman from Georgia’s fifteenth Congressional district. Helen is seeking to learn more about why the United States was victim of a radiological “dirty bomb” attack by Iran.
This is evidenced by the use of radiation detectors just prior to her meeting with the Congressman. Named in the book as Congressman Donald Keene, but not revealed in the episode, the Congressman incorrectly assumes that he is on a date with Helen. However, Helen asks him about the Iran “dirty bomb” attack.

This meeting with the Congressman can only be a reference for the government plan for dealing with a world war that predates humanities seeking protection in the Silo’s.
We do not learn more at this time since the Congressman keeps quiet and leaves the restaurant. The body language of the Congressman indicates that he obviously knows something Helen does not yet know.
is it about the history of the Silo’s? Likely this is the case based on what happens next.

In a cryptic sequence, the Congressman gives Helen a Pez dispenser. Viewers must then recall that In Silo season one, George Wilkins gifted the exact Pez dispenser to Juliette with a message describing what he had found in Silo Eighteens lower level tunnels. This is the information that ultimately cost him his life and motivated Juliette to seek answers.
Does this mean that Helen was one of George Wilkins’ ancestors in Silo Eighteen? Is the Pez dispenser a symbol of rebellion against the fifty-first Silo AI also known as “The Algorithm”? Is Helen the ancestor in Silo Eighteen who began the process of inquiring about the world humans currently exist in Silo? This exciting sequence of events will have to be explored in season three and perhaps into season four. Will these details about Helen be featured as the season three opener? TeamWHR believes the answer is yes, but all must tune in to Apple TV to find out!
We look forward to Silo season three in the future and hopefully at San Diego Comic-Con in July later this year. In the meantime, please feel free to share this article with your friends, co-workers and or your family!
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Best Regards,
Kenn of #TeamWHR