Hey V Series Fans, Well, well, well… Tonight is the night when we find out about “John May”. Based upon the episode name that is no spoiler. We include a few images from tonight’s forthcoming V episode John May for your reading and viewing pleasure. As is our tradition for […]
New Breaking News UPDATE April 14, 2010 7:00 PM Pacific Time Genevieve Buechner: WHR has confirmed with her contacts that ‘Tamara Adama”of Caprica will “Crash” the Auroris Fan Party this evening and she has our total support in that regard! Another outstanding actress Ms. Buechner is also known for her […]
Hey Josh Blacker Fans! We would like to ask that you consider making a charity donation to Mr. Josh Blacker’s favorite charity “Jest for Joy”. This is a wonderful charity organization that helps bring laughter and joy to those under hospital care who may be in need of “Clown Doctoring” […]
Hey Riese Series Fans, Well you all heard the fantastic news from SyFy yesterday evening about Riese Series being picked up! Yay! This is a brilliant move by SyFy and we salute them for bringing Riese Series to the main stream viewing audience after it’s successful webisode run in late […]
Hey Stargate Universe and Merlin Fans, Well it is just what we expected! In just a few days after our pre-reviews of Stargate Universe were released, the numbers for Stargate Universe viewers have risen to lofty levels! This is great news but is not really a surprise since our own […]
Are you ready to be totally WonderCon Chucked Out? Well we certainly were by the fabulous peeps at WonderCon! All our thanks to Comic-Con International and Warner Brothers Studios for the totally Chucked Out panel we were fortunate to witness up close and personal! This fantastic Chuck event was held […]
Hey Convention Fans, Today April 02, 2010 marked the opening day of the fantastic WonderCon convention in San Francisco. SciFiFanGirl616 arrived about an hour before Press Registration time and to get the “lay of the land” at Moscone Convention Center in San Francisco. Good thing too as the place is […]
Hey Stargate Fans! The long tortuous hiatus is finally over! This evening, Friday April 02, 2010 is an historic day. What day of history you may ask? Why of course April 02 marks the return of our new Stargate new series that is destined to become a runway hit in […]
Hey Fringe Fans, It is almost time for Fringe fans to find out how it all started in Walters past! Thanks to the wonderful people at The Fringe Insider Movement, Warner Brothers and FOX, we have a special news report for you! All of the Fringe extended promos, including a […]
Hey V Series Fans, Well the big day has arrived. March 30, 2010 is the day we all get to see what the dickens is up with Anna and her master plan to dominate the Earth in a Warner Brothers production airing on ABC. And stand by for a shocking […]