Even as I sit writing this, I wipe away the tears on my cheeks from the joyous comradeship of the weekend, and the pain of parting with old and with new friends. Even now, the newest of friends have made the familiar stamp on my heart, and the torn feelings […]


Hello science fiction and television series fans, Did you still feel sad about when Stargate SG-1 was canceled?  Were you upset when Paul McGillion’s character, Carson Beckett from Stargate Atlantis was killed? What about the StarGate Atlantis’ non-renewal? Atlantis was terminated over two years ago, and yet, writer and Show […]


Hello science fiction fans and “Fringe” fans! Season 3 of “Fringe” has depicted the series characters in two slightly different universes.  In this analysis I will address what a parallel universe is, how do the characters get to this alternate reality, and the differences in the two worlds within the […]

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