Welcome back “The Event” fans! This review is not a recap of The Event episodes two and three. I do not favor recaps. Rather this review is an analysis exploring and evaluating some of the theories of the series tied to the storyline, how well portions of the story arc […]
Hello again science fiction charity auction fans, Hold on to your “Back to the Future” Delorean time machines, Stargate, Caprica Cylon Centurian, or Tron Identity Disks! With all thanks to Profiles in History, Variety and Universal Studios, a wonderful charity event is about to occur and WormholeRiders News Agency will […]
Hello Convention Fans!! Your long wait is finally over my friends! WormholeRiders News Agency is proud to announce coverage of three more wonderful events. Two events are open to the general public, while one is of a press industry nature. The second event is a conclave of news industry professionals […]
The return of Caprica is finally here! Our long wait is finally over! Team WHR has been in a state of avid anticipation ever since we witnessed the Caprica cast at Comic-Con reveal that a surprise was in store and now we all know what it is! Caprica is back! […]
Happy Sunday Science Fictions Fans! And a very happy Sunday October 03, 2010 it is in North America (or Monday as the case may be in the Asia Pacific Region)! Wherever you are on our planet, today we officially introduce two new members to the WormholeRiders News Agency family of […]
Hey Science Fiction and Fantasy fans, As we here at WormholeRiders News Agency have long promised, we have even more surprise (previously unannounced) conventions we are covering before the end of 2010! Our latest announcement is WHR LIVE coverage of the thirty-fifth annual VCon! VCon 35 is more well known […]
Hello V Series fans! Today Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7 PM Pacific time, (3 AM on the 30th in the United Kingdom) I will be guest hosting an interview with the wonderful and talented actor Mr. Christopher Shyer! Mr. Shyer portrays Marcus Visitor in the hit ABC’s V Series produced […]
Hey Stargate Universe Fans! Update September 28, 2010 10 PM: Revision TWO of “I Kissed an SGU” with select non spoiler ‘Intervention’ clips! While all thanks go to MGM Studios, NBC Universal for SyFy and The Bridge, Stargate Universe season two is here and we on the WHR Team are […]
Hey Science Fiction Thriller and NBC fans! WARNING: This is a detailed analysis review of The Event with focus on the quality of the program. This review contains what should be considered spoilers. If you have not seen the pilot episode yourself should STOP reading now until you have seen […]
Hi Science Fiction fans, Something special from the past is coming back in a new digital format and our friends at NDB Media are going to bring it to you LIVE! Perhaps some of you have been alive long enough to recall the ground breaking television episodic series Space 1999 […]