Hello The Event fans, We left off last week with Sophia Maguire (Laura Innes) telling her people their scientist Herbert Mills was getting close to finding the weapon they needed to cull the population of this planet to prepare for their rescue of 2.5 Billion of their people from their […]


Hello The Event fans, Reviewing the last few episodes we saw things were heating up between Thomas (Clifton Collins) and Sophia Maguire (Laura Innes), President Elias Martinez (Blair Underwood) and Raymond Jarvis (Bill Smitrovich), Dr. James Dempsey (Hal Holbrook) leaving for France, and a huge meeting of the Aliens at […]

Hello The Event fans, The opening recapped some of the events leading up to this episode. We saw the satellite explode in space just after it sent a message to the home world. The ‘War room’ with General Armbruster (Blue Deckert), President Elias Martinez (Blair Underwood) , Blake Sterling (Zeljko […]

Hello The Event fans, The opening scene of this episode of The Event was actually quite beautiful. The Earth in its myriad of blues, greens, and wispy cloud covering is seen coming into view on our screens. It floats in the sea of black dotted with the brilliant stars in […]

Heyla, to all fans of The Event! And welcome to my review of season one, episode twelve, entitled “Inostranka”. Of the two episodes shown for the mid-season premiere I was given my choice and I chose this one, although I really liked them both, and I was pleased to se […]

Heyla to all of The Event fans! In anticipation of the new episodes which are returning this Monday, March 07, I am pleased to present to you this somewhat short analysis of episode ten, “everything will change.” This was a very exciting episode that left me with a lot of […]

Heyla, The Event Fans! In anticipation of new episodes returning this Monday, I am pleased to present this short analysis of episode 1×9 “Your world to take.” This episode was one of my favorites because we finally have Sophia Maguire (Laura Innes) out of prison, and we get to watch […]

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