Hello The Event fans, The opening scene of this episode of The Event was actually quite beautiful. The Earth in its myriad of blues, greens, and wispy cloud covering is seen coming into view on our screens. It floats in the sea of black dotted with the brilliant stars in […]

Hello Fringe and V Series fans! Well our detailed analysis of Fringe episode “Immortality” is complete (our analysis later today), and this week we were astounded when a vocal minority of the Fringies blew many minds on Fringe Friday February 11, 2011. Last week we advised “Frankly Fringe Fans First […]


Hello Fringe and V Series fans! Well our detailed analysis of Fringe episodes “Concentrate and Ask Again” is complete and we found the Fringies frankly freaking out on Fringe Friday February 04, 2011 as many did not seem to have understanding why the series did not do as well as […]

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