Hello Fringe fans! Poor Fringe ratings. For the second time in a month a devastating event pulled viewers away from the series. Initially pushed below 4 million viewers during the Egyptian crisis, the unprecedented catastrophe in Japan pushed season three episode “Os” viewing numbers lower dropping some 350,000 live viewers. However, […]

Hello Fringe fans! Our detailed analysis of Fringe episodes are complete and up to date during the mini-hiatus which thankfully ends this Friday March 11, 2011 with the Fringe season three episode “Os”. This week we continued to have our minds blown by the strong sustained Fringe fan support efforts […]


Hello Fringe and V Series fans! Well our detailed analysis of Fringe episodes “Concentrate and Ask Again” is complete and we found the Fringies frankly freaking out on Fringe Friday February 04, 2011 as many did not seem to have understanding why the series did not do as well as […]


Hello Fringe fans! Rating analysis of Fringe episodes “The Firefly” and “Reciprocity” confirm that the series is more well poised at it’s new home on Fringe Friday’s! In fact TV By The Numbers has recently changed their opinion that Fringe is now likely to be renewed!   We have published […]

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