Fringe Review “Frequency” Finds Friends for Fans and Subject 13 “Aftermath” Show Runners Video!

Hello Fringe fans!Fringe Season Three Retro Banner

Our detailed analysis of Fringe episodes are complete and up to date during the mini-hiatus which thankfully ends this Friday March 11, 2011 with the Fringe season three episode “Os”. This week we continued to have our minds blown by the strong sustained Fringe fan support efforts on Twitter in specific and around the Internet in general.

The developClick to visit 20th Century Fox Studios!ment that set it all off was the appearance of show runners Joel Wyman and Jeff Pinkner who Click to visit Warner Brothers Studios!tweeted with virtually thousands of fans the during the east coast airing of “Subject 13”, followed by Jasika Nicole for the west coast airing in an event known as Fringe Live Tweet. February 25, 2011. The Fringe tweet up continued for nearly a week until the hard working Fringe Team needed to get back to work.

Fringe Season 3 Group Photo
So why was this all done? For one thing the tweet count soared higher for Fringe over the previous weeks with fans tweeting in glee that the creators and Ms . Nicole were tweeting! In fact that the series trended briefly. We include a recent snapshot of the Twitter data  taken today March 09, 2011 (Note: the image is an accurate moment in time but is linked to a website that tracks Twitter statistics dynamically).

Fringe Tweet Stats to March 09 2011
WormholeRiders News Agency believes there was another reason. Fringe will be renewed in the opinion of WHR, however the show runners were conducting a well considered marketing experiment. Why? To demonstrate the support in the fandom as “icing on the cake” before a season four renewal by the broadcast network and the advertising base as discussed in the Subject 13 “AfterMath” video by inference.

Lets take a look at the ratings  for Friday February 18 (6B) and 25 (Subject 13), 2011, two favorite episodes of the Fringies (of which we proudly consider ourselves to be as well!).

Fringe “6B” February 18, 2011

– 4.017 million viewers
– 2.3/4 HH
– 1.5/5 A18-49

Fringe “Subject 13” February 25, 2011

– 4.021 million viewers
-2.3/4 HH –
1.5/5 A18-49

Click to visit TV By The Numbers recent Fringe DVR analysis!Moreover, according to TV By The Numbers which uses the Nielsen ratingsClick to visit Neilsen Ratings Service! to also determine DVR viewings, Fringe is the top DVR’d television program.

It is here that factors indicate that the fan base is holding strong in their love for the program, something the broadcast network FOX needs to know to “ice the cake” prior to an announcement. Joel Wyman Comic-Con 2010

Jeff Pinkner Comic-Con 2010Over and above the so-called Fringe fan “Alternate Universe Episodes” boycott, (which faded once the show runners Joel Wyman and Jeff Pinkner and Ms. Nicole entered the picture), there is one thing however that Fringe is lacking statistics for: ON-DEMAND viewing numbers.

Unlike programs featured on COMCAST cable systems (the largest distributor in the United States) the ON-DEMAND tallies for the views of featured programs helps more than DVR views because it is harder to skip program advertising than DVR’d viewing. (Note: when we watch On-DEMAND we watch the commercials since this sends a positive message to the networks who are in fact the funnel whereby consumer purchases of advertisers products is what keeps a program on the air).Jasika Nicole Comic-Con 2010.

For one of its featured “flagship” programs like Fringe, FOX does not have the same level of access. Why? Fringe is not featured as an ON-DEMAND choice on the COMCAST network. As such it makes it impossible to compare. What is evident however is that another mechanism was needed by the show runners to demonstrate the support in the Fringe fan base. That mechanism is Twitter. It is there that Fringe fans perform more than brilliantly in that regard.

What is most interesting is that while Fringe continues to tally total viewers below another series we follow, V Series (that is holding steady at over 5 million viewers), we would suggest that you need to look much closer. V Series is listed as likely to be canceled. Fringe is listed as likely to be renewed.

What is the difference in the opinion of this analyst? The fact is that Fringe Twitter “Tweeps” (as they are often called), put many (but not all) other program fans to shame with their sheer tweet volume. The Fringies should be proud of their “victory” in that regard. This demonstration more than makes up for the lack of ON-DEMAND viewing statistics readily available to other networks and is precisely what FOX needed to witness for themselves!

As I have stated before, season four of Fringe is a certainty as reported previously. The facts are that the show runners and celebrities have clearly demonstrated their respect for the Fringe fans by “coming out to play” as it were. With all factors considered, in the opinion of this observer (pun intended) a season four announcement will come after the remaining have been broadcast and not likely before. I suggest supporting Fringe by watching LIVE and make sure to Tweet your little Fringie hearts out for the remainder of season three.

Fringe returns this Friday, March 11, 2011 with “Os” on FOX 9 PM EST/PST!

WormholeRiders. Click to visit & follow WHR on Twitter!As always we appreciate your visiting our news sites at WormholeRiders News Agency. Please feel free to leave a spam free comment or a question here. We will respond to your comment or question as soon as is possible.

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