Fellow fans, About a week and a half ago now, I attended a party hosted by Patricia Bertand  of Auroris Entertainment also known ArcticGoddess1 on Twitter as as a prelude to the convention known as GateCon. You may recall that back in April I attended a similar function for WormholeRiders […]

Update July 06, 2010: Several stars have confirmed they will be able to attend the Auroris Entertainment Pre GateCon Party being conducted at The Canadian on Wednesday July 07, 2010 bringing the total to SEVEN! They are (listed in alphabetical order): The lovely Ms. Genevieve Buechner of Caprica recently interviewed […]


Hi Fellow Convention Fans! I’m back home now and far, far away from Minnesota. No more Uggs and hoodies and 60 degree weather — I’m back to flip flops and tank tops and scorching heat. I’ve had a couple days to look back on the entire Creation Entertainment Stargate convention […]


Hey Stargate Atlantis Convention Fans! First, I have a new nickname. Bossy Trish. More on that later! Sunday, the final day of Creation Entertainment’s MinCon Stargate 2010 started off great. I slept in. Woohoo! Actually it wasn’t a problem because the much anticipated David Hewlett / Joe Flanigan panel wasn’t […]


Hey Stargate Convention Fans! Excited didn’t begin to describe how I felt when I first heard about Creation Entertainment’s Stargate Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. All images here are courtesy of Creation Entertainment with special thanks to Monica and her staff in Minneapolis for their help and support! Oh and I […]


My fellow fans, This past weekend I interviewed Aleks Paunovic of, to name a few, Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, Sanctuary, Battlestar: Galactica, Human Target, Transparency, and whom you will soon see in an upcoming episode of Caprica in which he plays William Adama, Sr., father to Joseph and Sam. […]


Hey Stargate and Twilight fans! Well it is all true folks! This weekend WHR will be deploying Senior Reporters covering not one but two Creation Entertainment conventions located in two cities across the country simultaneously! ZOMG! First our Stargate convention team! Lead by none other that our dear Sr. Reporter […]


My fellow fans, This past weekend I interviewed Dan Payne of, to name but a few, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Human Target, Transparency, and who you will soon see in an upcoming Sanctuary episode. A few of the things we discuss in the video are: some of Dan’s experiences as […]


It’s been a few days since the Creation Entertainment Stargate 2010 convention ended and I’m still reeling from all the events of the last day. I’ll start from the beginning in a moment, but first let me say, though I enjoyed Stargate Universe before, I am definitely in love with […]

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