Welcome to WHR RadioWhere You Decide!  We are pleased to announce superb actor and extremely gifted Mr. Peter Kelamis as our first in a series of special guest celebrity hosts where “You Decide“! A brand new human interest topical radio program (our newest endeavor) is a series known as the […]

Hello science fiction, drama theatre and comedy fans, In honor of the Tony Awards held in New York City this weekend we discovered, errr uncovered a dastardly plot being hatched in New York City involving Mad Mel (rather than Mad Max) in a science fiction stage play that will be […]


To all the Mike Dopud fans out there. I have been given the privilege to do a little write up on Mr. Mike Dopud after discussing some aspects of his career with him. The concept was actually another friend’s idea to do this, so she deserves all the credit on […]


Good news for Rainbow Sun Francks! For those of you who are fans of Rainbow Sun Francks, perhaps best known Lt. Aiden Ford from Stargate Atlantis then you will be pleased to know that this fine actor is coming to a television set near you again soon in The Listener! […]


Well, hello there! Who here has heard of Riese The Series? Show of hands? Ah, I knew there would be a lot of you! And lucky for you, we here at WHR have some very interesting and exciting news for you about this fantastic webshow. First, a little background on […]

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