Hello, My Fellow WormholeRiders Pinball Enthusiasts! With Comic-Con 2022 firmly in the past and me fully recovered from the whirlwind again, I begin my coverage of the Pop-Culture event that returned for the first time in three years when I had the exquisite pleasure of interviewing Jody Dankberg, Senior Director […]

Welcome back WormholeRiders and Salvage Marines! San Diego Comic-Con 2022 is currently behind us but certainly not forgotten! Team WHR had the great opportunity to interview three main cast members in the official Press Room and attend the panel which featured the latest trailer (included below) of the upcoming PopCornFlix […]

Hello, my fellow Mayan MC fans, It is great to have the series back again for the fourth season! Elgin James, the showrunner, wasted zero time with niceties and jumped in full throttle to not one but a two-episode premiere. To say that it was memorable is an understatement; it […]

Hello, my fellow The Book of Boba Fett fans! In the Star Wars universe, there are many memorable characters. One of those unique characters is named Boba Fett. His legend and mythos have been a part of the Star Wars universe since The Empire Strikes Back and then again in […]

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