Welcome Stargate lovers and WormholeRiders, I recently covered an exciting event in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Gatecon 2016 The Homecoming! We will begin our coverage of this outstanding event here at our web site dedicated to Stargate. You will also find this interview and article posted soon at other WormholeRiders […]

Greeting Stargate and convention fans, Today Saturday March 05, 2011 WormholeRiders News Agency is pleased to announce courtesy of Creation Entertainment, the Stargate Vancouver 2011 Gold Tickets Giveaway for their fantastic Stargate Convention to be conducted April 14-17, 2011 at the Hilton Metrotown Burnaby, 6083 McKay Avenue, Burnaby, British Columbia! […]

Hello once again Caprica fans! Ash0283 brings you something very special for you courtesy of SyFy from their recent Digital Press Tour in Orlando Florida! Note: MAJOR SPOILERS are in this sneak peek! Now about Caprica episode 12 from season one… Here is a special sneak with a reveal and […]

Hey Science Fiction and Fantasy fans, As we here at WormholeRiders News Agency have long promised, we have even more surprise (previously unannounced) conventions we are covering  before the end of 2010! Our latest announcement is WHR LIVE coverage of the thirty-fifth annual VCon! VCon 35 is more well known […]


Welcome back Transparency fans! Update September 07, 2010: Click to see news with images and promo trailer at WHR Movie Site! Having made its successful world premiere at the Dallas International Film Festival to much critical acclaim, Transparency (known as Takedown in Europe) will appear at the Oldenburg International Film […]


Welcome back Caprica fans,   This series continues to deliver character-rich episodes week after week and what a cliffhanger w“Ghosts in the Machine” was the second-to-last episode of the front 10 episodes of the season.  From tonight’s episode, the overall theme was the extremes Joseph and Daniel will go in […]

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