Are you ready to be totally WonderCon Chucked Out? Well we certainly were by the fabulous peeps at WonderCon! All our thanks to Comic-Con International and Warner Brothers Studios for the totally Chucked Out panel we were fortunate to witness up close and personal! This fantastic Chuck event was held […]

Hey V Series Fans, Well the big day has arrived. March 30, 2010 is the day we all get to see what the dickens is up with Anna and her master plan to dominate the Earth in a Warner Brothers production airing on ABC. And stand by for a shocking […]


When I’m trying to convince a friend, casual acquaintance, or random person with whom I just happen to be chatting to watch Human Target, I usually describe it as being similar to those fun summer action movies, but in 45 minutes or so. It is the perfect show to sit […]


Breaking News BSG, Caprica, Stargate, Fringe, and Sanctuary Fans, What new weekly episodic series has more Stargate SG-1, SGA, and SGU , Sanctuary, BSG, Caprica and Fringe stars in roles and guest star appearances than any other series? Of course that would be Human Target brought to us by FOX […]


Hey Finge Fans, After our latest wonderful visit to TheFRINGEreport, we noted that FOX has upped the ante with a second Fringe Season Two Episode 15 trailer hailing the series return to the fans on April 01 with eight all new stories. As I long suspected and theorized before WormholeRiders […]


Hey V Series Fans, Kenneth Johnston was the original creator of V and has been honored by “A Created By” credit on the new V series episodes. Kenneth also enjoys “story by” credit on the pilot episode. However his accomplishments stand out as one of the giants in the the […]


Hey Fringe Fans, The first of April will mark the return of Fringe after the arduous seven week hiatus following the “Winter Finale” of Jacksonville. As you can see in the promo below, it appears as though much of the backstory regarding Walter’s past and Peter’s true origins will be explained in […]

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