Warehouse 13 “The New Guy”, the Return of Myka, H.G. Wells AND New Season Three Villains!

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Hello again Warehouse 13 fans!

All our prayers have been answered! Last week we found out that while Pete Latimer (Eddie McClintock) will be working with “The New Fav SyFy Logo Chain LinksGuy” Steve Jinks (Aaron Ashmore) and that our favorite heroine Myka Bering (Joanne Kelly) decided to return to the Warehouse 13 team after all!

However I am getting a little ahead of myself before the monumental events culminate in the return of Myka to the team!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 A history of rock gone wild

At the beginning of the episode our team is on a mission in Jersey City New Jersey in a rock and roll museum looking for the legendary guitar of none other than Jimi Hendrix! The building is surrounded by police and fire crews as the entire location is rippling with lightening and strange melodic sounds. This crazy musical artifact is threatening to rip the building apart and bring the entire electrical grid to a disaster that could short-circuit the entire eastern seaboard  yet another innocent set of victims and perhaps an entire music museum in the process!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Artifact unleased

Naturally our Warehouse 13 team experts were dispatched by Mrs. Frederick (CCH Pounder) with Pete Latimer (Eddie McClintock) Claudia Donovan (Allison Scagliotti) and artifact curmudgeon Artie Nielsen (Saul Rubinek)! Once on location their investigation confirms the electric vibrations are emanating from the Jimi Hendrix guitar sending lightning like bolts rippling throughout the structure! Disaster is of course about to occur threatening innocent citizens and our poor eardrums in the process!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 A real electric guitar
As we mentioned in our pre-review, we are introduced to our newest potential Warehouse investigator, a handsome fellow by the name of Steve Jinks (Aaron Ashmore) at this point. Steve Jinks has the ability to determine if someone is telling the truth or not which will prove interesting throughout the episode. Jinks is obviously going to become involved with our heroes when we learn that he is going to enter the building with a team of fire investigators. Also enjoyable is the characters last name! I mean really? “Jinks” (Jinx)!:-P

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Jinks holds them at gun point
Once inside the museum we observe that Jinks is indeed really hilarious! Artie first Tesla’s the fire crew to knock them out and we are led to believe that Jinks is among them since we do not see all their faces. During his interaction with the team both Pete and Artie attempt to tell lies to Jinks and he see right through them. Always on the ball, Artie picks up on the fact that Jinks is on to him and Artie elects tells the truth for a change (for a few minutes anyway). Jinks lowers his weapon and gives them permission to save the situation from devastation and Claudia tames the Hendrix artifact!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Claudia tames the Hendrix guitar
As the adventure continues to unfold we learn Claudia that can and does does play Jimi Hendrix’ guitar to settle the artifact down before the entire facility is ripped to shreds! Subsequent to this fortunate circumstance, we all get a good belly laugh when we witness Claudia caressing and gently stroking the instrument that belonged to Jimi Hendrix! Even more riotous Artie come in and catches Claudia in the act playing the famous but now controlled instrument Errrr artifact!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Claudia rocks on Hendrix guitar

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Claudia caught with Hendrix guitar

During these sequences the special effects by Matt Hansen, visual effects by Laird McMurray with accompanying music by Alicen Catron Schneider is superb. Meanwhile our erstwhile Steve Jinks, soon to be new Warehouse 13 team member catches up with Artie and Claudia who then catches both in several lies! This is certainly going to be a Jinks character trademark in the future…. But beforehand just as Jinks says “You’re lying”, Artie blasts him with the mind altering and memory erasing Tesla gun!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Steve Jinks is  blasted by Tesla

We segue to Steve Jinks entering his apartment oblivious to what has just happened. In the background are Mrs. Frederick and her assistant. As he is checking his voice mail message, one of them is from Mrs Frederick instructing Jinks to turn on the lights and turn around!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Mrs Fredericks is waiting

With a strange look on his face, Mrs Frederick’s informs Steve Jinks he is just the man for the job she has for him. Stunned that a couple of strangers are in his apartment asking “What Job”, Mrs. Frederick informs Jinks that she will introduce him to a “New world … A world on endless wonder”! Notably Jinks knows that she is telling the truth, and so begins the journey of our newest Warehouse 13 team member!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 A new job for Jinks

Warehouse 13 S3x01 A wonderful new job

As the adventure begins there is an hilarious sequence outside the Warehouse with Claudia inspecting Jinks new Prius Hybrid automobile! “Fancy Smancy” she call it and hand him one of the devices used at the Warehouse and says the “new guy” can take care and fix the “fish”. As they enter the building, a note here, the humor written into every episode is what makes Warehouse 13 so enjoyable. Especially fun is when a baseball come flying out nowhere and whacks the new Prius with Claudia  telling Jinks “It will buff out”! Classic Warehouse 13!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Claudia admires Jinks Prius

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Ball bunces off Prius

After a losing debate with Artie about his new partner, Pete is forced to accept the fact that for the time being Myka is not coming back to the team. Artie say that he needs a partner and Jinks is it. There is some good humor about the name (Jinks = Jinx), but finally Pete tells Jinks he is “really looking forward to working with him”, to which Jinks of course says “You’re lying!”. This is going to be a great addition as we find out during the course of “The New Guy” who gets to see the Warehouse from the veranda!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Warehouse 13 view from veranda

This brings us to the mission itself and a new bad guys and the fact that the ancient Egyptian section of the Warehouse 13 stockpile is acting including a storm that is brewing sending lightning bolts rippling through the facility. Connected to the fun is a series of grisly deaths all with a link to an unknown artifact from ancient Egypt being used by the new unknown nemesis of the team.

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Egyptian artifacts cause the deaths

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Extinct Egyptian snake kills

We then are introduced to FBI Agent Sally Stukowski (Ashley Williams, How I Met Your Mother, Law and Order: SVU, As The World turns) in Denver where a victim of a poisonous “Russels Viper” snake has perished. Featuring a wonderful southern drawl Agent Stukowski confronts Pete and Steve at the crime scene and throughout the course of “The New Guy” episode.

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Agent Stukowski portrayed by Ashley Williams

Agent Stukowski appears again and again as more victims are being killed related to the ultimate crime, the murder of several prominent financial figures from the banking industry that the new criminals are involved with. It becomes apparent that the bad guys are using the ancient Egyptian artifacts for nefarious purposes yet to be revealed.

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Agent Stukowski as victims pile up

Warehouse 13 S3x01 The fate of the vistims from the Lost Folio
One of the best parts of the episode Is that Myka is not permanently gone from the Warehouse 13 team. As we indicated previously, Myka’s (Joanne Kelly) appearance at Comic-Con in San Diego was confirmation that Myka will be around for the third season for Warehouse 13 fans around the world to enjoy! Hiding out at a library, Pete and Jinks seek out Myka for her knowledge of ancient literature. Pete gets what he needs and is characteristically curt with Myka for her abandoning the team. Pete says they do not heed her, but Jinks confirms that Pete is of course lying! Once again a good use of humor by the writers in Warehouse 13!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Jinks tells Myka Pete is lying

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Myka learns Pete was lying
As the victims begin to pile up, Myka confirms that the victims are uttering Cleopatra’s last words. The team works together reluctantly to stop the bad guys at the hotel at the very last minute before the history of the “Lost Folio” kills them at the investment bankers convention banquet.

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Pete and Jinks ready to save the bankers

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Investment bankers are saved

As we neat the end of the episode we come back to Helen G. Wells (Jamie Murray) in an unusual way.

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Holographic H.G. Wells with Myka

Warehouse 13 S3x01 H.G. Wells tells Myka via holographic interface
Also as suspected we seen not the last of this beautiful vixen and her trouble making ways in Warehouse 13, she tells Myka via holographic interface (provided by Mrs. Frederick) that she should not leave the team and that she is not proud of the trouble she caused that drove Myka from the team. Myka realizes the error of her ways and decides to come back to the Warehouse team! YAY!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Myka returns to the Warehouse, YAY!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Myka returns to the Warehouse

Finally, we learn there is a new unknown villain AND Agent Stukowski is involved! The question we are sure to learn as season three unfolds is what are these bad guys and gals up to? But it is more than obvious they will be among the new nemesis emerge to bedevil the Warehouse 13 team in season three!

Warehouse 13 S3x01 Agent Stukowshi working with mystery bad guy

Warehouse 13 S3x01 The mystery new bad guy
Warehouse 13 returns tonight Monday July 18, 2011 in “Trial” at 9 PM E/P 8 central time on Syfy when Pete and Myka continue their collaboration to fight the effects of an artifact that is causing key witnesses in a murder trial to forget their testimony while Claudia is sent on a mission to determine why an artifact is actually being used for good purposes!

In the meantime we include the full episode of “The New Guy” below courtesy of Syfy via Hulu. Enjoy!

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Best Regards,

WR_Systems (Kenn)

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Mon Jul 18 , 2011
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