Hello Pierre Bernard, Jr. and Dragon*Con fans! While attending Dragon*Con 2010 this September I had the privilege of interviewing one of my favorite artists, Pierre Bernard, Jr. Pierre is known for his Recliner of Rage on the Conan O’Brien show and for his appearance in the Stargate SG-1 episodes “200”in […]
Studio Series
Welcome back Sanctuary fans, “The Sanctuary Experience”, a wonderful convention also known by the hashtag #TSE on Twitter, was very successfully conducted in Vancouver British Columbia at the end of July, early August of 2010. TSE is an intimate convention I very much enjoyed reporting on. As we have previously […]
Happy Sunday Science Fictions Fans! And a very happy Sunday October 03, 2010 it is in North America (or Monday as the case may be in the Asia Pacific Region)! Wherever you are on our planet, today we officially introduce two new members to the WormholeRiders News Agency family of […]
Well Sci-fi fans, it appears our prayers have been answered! On September 29, 2010 scientists announced that they had found an “Earth-like” planet named Gliese 581g. Gliese 581g is an extrasolar planet that is located in the Gliese 581 Planetary system in the constellation Libra. Gliese 581g is the fourth […]
Hey Science Fiction and Fantasy fans, As we here at WormholeRiders News Agency have long promised, we have even more surprise (previously unannounced) conventions we are covering before the end of 2010! Our latest announcement is WHR LIVE coverage of the thirty-fifth annual VCon! VCon 35 is more well known […]
Welcome back Stargate Universe fans! The long weeks of waiting and wanting were finally over. As a prelude for the occasion, fans on Twitter began putting SGU into famous movie lines. The excitement was palpable for those of us in the United States, while our international friends began feeling like […]
Hi Stargate fans, Recently I had the opportunity to attend the MGM Studios Stargate Auction that was held by Propworx. This event was held in Seattle, Washington at the Experience Music Project and Science Fiction Museum (EMP/SFM) I’d like to thank the wonderful Propworx Team for allowing me to cover […]
Hello V Series fans! Today Wednesday, September 29, 2010 7 PM Pacific time, (3 AM on the 30th in the United Kingdom) I will be guest hosting an interview with the wonderful and talented actor Mr. Christopher Shyer! Mr. Shyer portrays Marcus Visitor in the hit ABC’s V Series produced […]
Hey Science Fiction Thriller and NBC fans! WARNING: This is a detailed analysis review of The Event with focus on the quality of the program. This review contains what should be considered spoilers. If you have not seen the pilot episode yourself should STOP reading now until you have seen […]
Hey Stargate. Propworx and MGM Studios Fans! WR_Systems posting for Kassandra aka MackenziesMomma on Twitter who is getting ready for the second day of the wonderful event The Stargate Auction! Day two of the auction will be underway soon conducted in Seattle Washington by Propworx and MGM Studios! Of special […]