Hello Fringe Fans!!! This week’s Fringe episode focused on important childhood events that would eventually shape the lives of Peter Bishop (Joshua Jackson), Olivia Dunham (Anna Torv), Walter Bishop (John Noble), and Elizabeth Bishop (Orla Brady). “Subject 13” is a sequel of sorts to season two’s “Peter”. This episode is […]

Hello Fringe and V Series fans! Well our detailed analysis of Fringe episode “Immortality” is complete (our analysis later today), and this week we were astounded when a vocal minority of the Fringies blew many minds on Fringe Friday February 11, 2011. Last week we advised “Frankly Fringe Fans First […]


Hello Fringe and V Series fans! Well our detailed analysis of Fringe episodes “Concentrate and Ask Again” is complete and we found the Fringies frankly freaking out on Fringe Friday February 04, 2011 as many did not seem to have understanding why the series did not do as well as […]


Hello again Fringe fans! The mid-season episode “Reciprocity” was spectacular. Fringe with its new home on Friday nights is a proven two week back to back success! WR_Systems (Kenn) is consulting with WormholeRiders News Agency Team leader RedOne68 (Sandra) on ratings analysis. He will be posting a special ratings analysis […]


Hello Fringe fans! The mid-season episode “Firefly” was spectacular.  Fringe has a new home on Friday nights.  This has some fans worried, but it is a misnomer that Friday night is the graveyard of all television shows as we discuss below once again. Wormholeriders News Agency published an excellent story […]


Good evening Fringe Fans, This evening WomholeRiders News Agency is proud to announce the formation of a extremely robust team of professionals to review and support the Fringe franchise produced by Warner Brothers and televised exclusively on FOX Networks. After many months and investment of time, we would like to […]


Hey Fringe fans, It’s been a while since I wrote about my thoughts on a Fringe episode, and there have certainly been a lot of developments since Olivia. One thing I should probably get out of the way is that I do actually like AltLivia. A lot of people I’ve […]

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