Fringe Exclusive News and New WHR Fringe Team Announcement!


Good evening Fringe Fans,Fringe Over There Red-Mini Season 3 Banner

This evening WomholeRiders News Agency is proud to announce the formation of a extremely robust team of professionals to review and support the Fringe franchise produced by Warner Brothers and televised exclusively on FOX Networks. After many months and investment of time, we would like to introduce you to the new WHR Fringe Team Leader and the very talented members of the our re-enforced Fringe Team!

Click to visit Warner Brothers Studios!Before we begin, we have it from an exclusive confidential source that season four Fringe scripts have been submitted for an epic fourth season. While this does not guarantee that a fourth season is a certainty, that will depend on ratings in the Fringe Friday time slot starting this evening, our source confirms that spec scripts are ready and have been prepared for submission. Our logic is simple, if Fringe was to be canceled  would the studios be accepting scripts? We think not.

Fringe Season 3 Team Banner

Moreover, as we have reported previously, it is simply not true that Friday’s represent the death of a series. The historical data dating back over forty years prove such to be a false argument often hyped by yellow journalists to generate controversy. Here at WHR we deal with honest research and do not use such tactics. And now without further adieu please allow me to introduce our new Fringe Team: Click to vsit and folow RedOne68 (Sandra) on Twitter!

Fringe Team Leader – Ms. Sandra Simpson: A native of Georgia in the southern regions of United States, Ms. Simpson is a science expert familiar with many top scientists around the world and is a medical researcher by profession. Her news articles both here at WHR and on other confidential web sites are extremely well documented, thoughtful and of the highest caliber. All of the above is what makes her perfectly suited to lead the team for WormholeRiders News Agency. We are therefore very pleased to announce Ms. Simpson as the WHR Fringe Team Leader!

Patricia A. Beninati: Ms Beninati  is a well-known sci-fi writer, producer, and director and well respected in the entertainment Click to visit & follow Patti0713 (Patricia Beninati) On Twitter!industry. Michael K. Anderson and Beninati are the owners of Centerboro Productions a film production company based in NEW YORK CITY NY. Beninati is currently working on; two TV pilots D MAN and KYLE YOUNGBLOOD, producer on the upcoming “V” Movie by Kenneth Johnson (creator of V) and “The NewComers” an exciting 3D sci-fi film, that will feature well-known stars.

WHR is honored by her presence on the team to guide the members about television and movie production!

Dr. Rachelle Smith: Yes that is correct my friends, Dr. Smith has earned a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology currently working at University of California San Diego . Her degree is from the University of Utah and is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the University of California San Diego. Dr. Smith works as a research scientist studying prokaryotic development. Her many dedicated years as a researcher Click to visit and folow Dr Rachelle Smith on Twitter!continue in her post doctoral research work at UCSD.

A lover of all things biologically science related, Dr. Smith also loves science fiction television like Fringe and will be conducting research analysis on the series where science is at the heart of the series and Dr. Smith will bring you special news articles which we are sure you will enjoy!

Ms. Patrica Stewart-Bertrand: Known as ArticGoddess1 on Twitter, Ms. Stewart-Bertrand is perhaps best known as the producer of the upcoming science fiction convention StarCon 2011 and for many years of outstanding intimate gatherings of celebrities and their fans at private celebrations in Vancouver British Columbia! Follow ArcticGoddess1 (Patricia Stewart-Bertrand) on Twitter!

A native of Canada, Ms. Stewart-Bertrand has a long history of researching science fiction television celebrities with whom she has professional relationships with. Ms. Stewart-Bertrand has a history as a contributing writer with WHR and is the founding writer for our “As The Wormhole Turns” editorial series in which solid research has been her signature trademark in writing!

SheppardsHoney: Ms. Ricard is an educator by profession with a long history of analysis of all things in life to round out the talent on the WHR Fringe Team. A native of Canada, her thoughtful analysis includes a sharp eye on Click to visit and foloow SheppardsHoney on Twitter!science fiction television for many, many years years. When selecting the team members, management desired an educator with the exquisite skills of Ms. Ricard to offer guidance on how people internalize their television series. Everyone here is very excited to have such a gfted individual provide us with her insight!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Lastly I also will be part of the new WHR Fringe Team and am honored to be in the presence of such outstanding adult professionals! Long live Fringe into a season four and beyond!

As always we appreciate your visiting our news sites at WormholeRiders News Agency. Please feel free to leave a comment or a question about our coverage of these wonderful events here. We will respond to your comments and or questions as soon as is feasibly possible.

If you prefer, click the social media icons above to share this news article or as many of our readers and visitors often do. You may also visit the WHR Team on FaceBook or my account on Twitter by clicking the text links or images avatars in this news story.

See you on soon with our Day of Days coverage and on “The Other Side“! Thank you. Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders (Kenn) on Twitter!

Best Regards,


6 thoughts on “Fringe Exclusive News and New WHR Fringe Team Announcement!

  1. Gene,

    Thanks for your remarks. The team is very excited and as Kenn said we will be doing lots of pictures and hyperlinks. I hope you enjoy our reviews and we will be paying attention to feedback so please comment and let us know what you think.


  2. Hello again Gene,

    Yes Nadine has left the team for personal reasons. It is too bad she left because she was the Fringe Team Leader and the six others on the new WHR Fringe Team wanted to work with her in a team environment. However, she stated needed to focus on her school work at college, something I had discussed with her many times.

    As for your comment about number of images and hyperlinks, the new team will be doing extensive research on Fringe and will be hyper linking both the actors and the characters in each review from here on out. We will include may more images since our visitors enjoy them as much as the analysis itself. Also expect a lot more special videos and trailers as well.

    Thanks for your comment.

    Best Regards

  3. congratulations to wormholeriders news agency! I am looking forward to the new teams reviews. i noticed the other young girl is not listed. is she still with the team? i liked her reviews but she never had enough pictures and hyperlinks to the fringe stars like everyone else here does. is that why she is not listed because i also noticed that she stopped writing reviews for season three of fringe. i agree that fringe seems to be doing good on friday nights. it is easier for me because of my work schedule. cheers

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