Hello, my fellow Debris fans, I hope you enjoyed this latest episode as much as I did. With just two episodes aired already we can clearly see the influence and parallels between that other sci-fi show that J.H. Wyman was involved in that goes by the name of Fringe. Certain […]


Hello fans of Stargate SG1’s most famous “Bad Guy”, Cliff Simon, It is with great sadness that I write about my dear friend, Cliff Simon. When I first met Cliff Simon in 2008, he struck me as the kind of man who would grab life by the fistful! When an […]

You can take the pitch out of Puppy, but you can’t take Puppy out of the pitch. Some Backstory As every American knows, the game of baseball comes in both a hardball and softball version. One version pitches overhand; the other gives an underhand delivery. The compare/contrast between these two […]

Welcome back WormholeRiders, Always your trusted source for science fiction news, we also delve into significant book reviews and stage plays about freedom on occasion. Today we will focus on one of our favorite authors, Gary Morgenstein who recently completed “A Black and White Cookie” featured live on Zoom as […]

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