Welcome back WormholeRiders and Van Helsing Lovers! “Metamorphosis”, written by Neil LaBute and directed by Jonathan Scarfe, marks when Dracula, portrayed by Tricia Helfer, arrives from hell in Van Helsing to enslave all the inhabitants of Earth. The superb fourth season of Van Helsing now enters a new phase of […]

Welcome back WormholeRiders and Van Helsing Lovers! With the superb fourth season of Van Helsing beginning September 27, 2019, we here are #TeamWHR’s are pleased to bring you our ongoing exclusive series of feature interviews articles to support one of our most favorite science fiction series on SYFY. Conducted on […]

Welcome back Van Helsing lovers, WormholeRiders and Vampires all around the World! Team WHR concludes our Van Helsing SDCC 2017 coverage featuring our interview with the series creator Neil LaBute, and co-chairmen of Nomadic Pictures, Mike Frislev, and Chad Oakes. These three entertainment professionals, working together with their fantastic teams […]

Welcome Van Helsing lovers, WormholeRiders and Vampires Victims around the World! Subsequent to the enjoyment of watching and tweeting the Van Helsing season one episodes, and the sheer delight of visiting the panel last year at SDCC, where we watched the pilot episode in it’s entirity, we at Team WHR […]

Hello Van Helsing fans, I will be writing the Van Helsing episode “Fear Her”. For those of you that are not familiar with me or my writing, I wrote for Fringe, Dracula, Defiance, Fringe, and more recently for WormholeRiders on Killjoys. Kenn asked me to write this episode as a […]

Welcome WormholeRiders and Van Helsing Vampires! What’s the difference between the insane out of control vampires vs the one’s that give the orders? The one’s giving the orders are keeping up their strength by draining normal humans of the needed life blood, slowly and painfully. The others are freely running […]

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