Hello from Sanctuary Team in Europe! So, it has been another week, another long wait filled with wondering what the new episode of Sanctuary is going to bring, what quotes will be the ones you will laugh at and remember for a long time… And finally the Friday is here […]


Hi Fellow Convention Fans! I’m back home now and far, far away from Minnesota. No more Uggs and hoodies and 60 degree weather — I’m back to flip flops and tank tops and scorching heat. I’ve had a couple days to look back on the entire Creation Entertainment Stargate convention […]


Hey Stargate Convention Fans! Excited didn’t begin to describe how I felt when I first heard about Creation Entertainment’s Stargate Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. All images here are courtesy of Creation Entertainment with special thanks to Monica and her staff in Minneapolis for their help and support! Oh and I […]


Hey Stargate and Twilight fans! Well it is all true folks! This weekend WHR will be deploying Senior Reporters covering not one but two Creation Entertainment conventions located in two cities across the country simultaneously! ZOMG! First our Stargate convention team! Lead by none other that our dear Sr. Reporter […]


Well folks, we’ve reached the end of the DragonCon convention at last. On Monday, the final day of a truly epic convention, the crowd thinned as people had to go back to home and work. Attendance was still good at the final Stargate panel though, filling over half the seats. […]


The Creation Entertainment Farscape Con Friday morning started kind of early for me.  The WormholeRiders team had a meet up in the hotel lobby at 8 am.  Once we were all introduced and sorted out our business for the day, I went to eat breakfast with the gang from claudiablackonline […]

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