Hey Caprica Fans! Many thanks to the wonderful team at SyFy NBC Universal Comcast! Below is an extended Caprica preview of this Friday’s fantastic upcoming episode “Reins of a Waterfall”. From a news perspective Caprica reflects many of the problems and challenges in our own troubled world. It is a […]
Well Hey Fringe Fans! A little fanatical about Fringe? Do not know what you will do during the seven hellish weeks of hiatus after the airing of this Thursday nights shocker Fringe episode on FOX Networks? Contemplating being put into that special tank in Walters Lab for a little stress relief? […]
Hey SyFy Fans, Although Ghost Hunters is not a series we currently report on, our sincere congratulations to Ms. Damona Resnick-Hoffman of SyFy! Way to go and we hope that your promotion may lead to alternative programming such as the return of “The Invaders” to the fans! After all every […]
Update: February 02, 2010 Sadly, our news sources confirm that the UK version of the SGU Hiatus Project has been canceled due to poor attendance. WHR is quite surprised at the low turn out in the UK since per capita (percentage of fans versus population) of Stargate Universe fans in […]
Hey Chuck Fans! kenn posting for Chuck !!! I am posting as this outstanding NBC Universal preview which was already re-mastered.. With all our thanks to the wonderful folks at NBC Universal Studios, here is the special extended Chuck promotional preview of this Monday’s excellent episode “Chuck Versus First Class”! […]
Hey Chuck Fans, With more thanks to the wonderful people over at NBC Universal Studios, below please find a new special treat: Chuck and stars on location “Behind the Scenes’ # 2 during filming of the next weeks episode in Los Angeles, California. This will be an ongoing series of […]
Hey Stargate AND Star Trek fans! WHR is pleased to announce our reporting team will be covering the Hub Stargate Science fiction Convention in Melbourne Australia featuring Richard Dean Anderson, Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Chris Judge, Dan Shea, David Nykl, Conner Trineer, AND David Blue of Stargate Universe! What a […]
Hey Cliff Simon , Stargate and Ba’al Clone Fans! WHR is more than proud to announce our support and participation for the fantastic “American Affirmations Tour”! This is no Stargate SG-1 Ba’al clone I can wholeheartedly assure you! This is the real Cliff Simon! WHR has been aware of this […]
Hey Chuck Fans! With all our thanks to the wonderful folks at NBC Universal Comcast, here is the extended special extended Chuck promotional preview of tonight’s fantastic episode “Operation Awesome”! Stand by for evermore Chuck at Team WHR as our team expands our coverage of Chuck. A special report with […]
Wormholeriders is pleased to announce that a television news blogging specialist has joined our reporting team! Hailing from the Lone Star State of Texas, PBMom is a long time fan of Stargate and other Network Studios Series Franchises already covered by WHR. A veteran of the industry long associated with […]