Welcome back to WHR Radio Where You Decide! This past Sunday June 24, 2012 we were honored with an interview from Mr. Colin Ferguson who joined us 6 PM Pacific, 9 PM.EST to discuss his recent charitable journey to Haiti where he and friend Misha Collins worked with Haitian Reconstruction! […]

Welcome to WormholeRiders news site dedicated to Destination Truth! Here with a new team featuring Holly Wilson and DTonSyfyFans we will bring you news and reviews of Destination Truth! New posts are coming soon. In the meantime while we prepare new articles about Destination Truth, we include two of our […]

Hey there web series fans, We recently were honored to interview Ms. Tara Platt when we learned more about her her accomplished eighteen year career in television, movies and dozens of video games for geeks! As described in her interview (above), Tara’s latest successful entertainment project is called Shelf Life, […]

Welcome back to WHR Radio Where You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview our latest special guest hostess, the very lovely and gifted actress Ms. Tara Platt talented who joined WHR You Decide Sunday May 27, 2012 at 6 PM Pacific time when we discussed her career […]

Welcome back Hollywood Treasure fans! We here at WormholeRiders are more than pleased to see one of our favorite programs, Hollywood Treasure, returning for a second full season on Syfy! Even more exciting is that Hollywood Treasure is now a one hour broadcast each Tuesday evening 10 PM E/P featuring […]

Hello Steven DeKnight and Spartacus fans! On Monday April 02, 2012 we had the pleasure of participating in an exciting conference call with creative genuis Steven DeKnight, executive producer and writer for the hit Starz series “Spartacus” about the season two “Vengeance” finale and where the series story arc will […]

Welcome back web series fans, As we have done at our Movie Magic news site for independent films, this month we continue our new 2012 focus covering independent, or “Indie” television entertainment productions with an exciting new web series product from My Destiny Productions of Canada; 13-Witches! This fantastic new […]

Welcome to WHR Radio Where You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview with our last special guest host, a wonderful actor, the very talented Mr. Alex Zahara. On Sunday March 04, 2012, Alex talked about one of his (and our) greatest concerns, plastics pollution with you and […]

Welcome to WormholeRiders You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview of our special guest host, a wonderful actor, the very talented Mr. Josh Blacker. On Sunday February 26, 2012, Josh talked about being a vegan, animal cruelty, Fringe, Stargate Atlantis, Stargate Universe and his new film role […]

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