Welcome back WormholeRiders to our web site dedicated to Destination Truth! On Saturday April 23, 2016 we had the distinct privilege and honor to conduct a WHR You Decide interview with awesome Amanda Rosenblatt! Amanda is a wonderful person whom Team WHR has followed for many years. We have long […]

Welcome back to WHR You Decide! We here at WormholeRiders You Decide are proud, honored, and more than excited to welcome Erin Ryder, Actor, Director, Producer, Monster Hunter, Mouthy Blond, and renowned world traveler to include our forty-minute exclusive interview recorded Tuesday evening, May 21, 2013 at 6:30 PM Pacific […]


Welcome back WormholeRiders! Pop Culture is at the heart of why WormholeRiders exists today. This begs the question, though, as to where pop culture would be today without the fans that drive it to being a major part of our lives? Resident WormholeRiders contributing writer Amanda Rosenblatt has recently released […]

Hi Destination Truth fans, As this is the Season Five Finale, and I hated it to see it end, I have taken extreme care preparing this analysis for Destination Truth. As an ardent member of Team Truth myself, my thoughts are with all Truthies around the world. We have become […]

Here we are, WormholeRiders! Another episode closer to the mid-season finale of Destination Truth, season five, on Syfy. The thrills have not disappointed at all, and they certainly do not stop with this episode! Enjoy my review of the exciting Destination Truth Hanging Coffins/Kazakh Monster provided courtesy of Syfy! Vampire […]

Hold on Destination Truth Fans and Welcome to Wormholeriders! We have another exciting adventure this week on Destination Truth – Spirits of Tikal/Creature from the Black Lagoon, so buckle up, grab a backpack and here we go with Joshua Gates, Erin Ryder and Team Truth which consists of Kyle Wheeler […]

Ahoy, WormholeRiders! We return with another romp into the unknown with Syfy’s Destination Truth. Episode Four brings us two cases – unidentified flying objects in Kazakhstan and a sea creature in Sweden. Before continuing, please enjoy my interview with Josh Gates from Comic-Con 2011 before reading my review of “Spirits […]

Welcome back Destination Truth fans! The Haunted Forest, Return to Romania: From the Destination Truth Offices in Los Angeles, CA, Josh Gates puts a call into Evan Stone, inviting him to return to the Hoia-Baciu Forest in Romania. This will be Team Truth’s second visit to Romania’s Bermuda Triangle. The […]

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