Tara Platt Interview: Dedicated Human Being Giving of Herself to Help Fight Breast Cancer!

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We are pleased to include the entire interview our latest special guest hostess, the very lovely and gifted actress Ms. Tara Platt talented who joined WHR You Decide Sunday May 27, 2012 at 6 PM Pacific time when we discussed her career and human interest topic, the never ending journey supporting research to ultimately find a cure for Breast Cancer in Women!

American Cancer Society banner - Click to visit and learn more at the official web site!Based on her own family experience with relatives whom have suffered from the terrible health affliction, during our exclusive revealing interview with Ms. Platt, she told us of the loss of friends and the battle others, including members of her own family have faced in their challenge to survive the malady and live life with dignity.

Shelf Life - Tara Platt as Hero LassTara discussed how she became involved with Breast Cancer charity efforts many years ago. Informing everyone that men also face breast cancer albeit at lower rates, she is dedicated to finding a cure!

Donating both her own funds, and even her hair, Tara has help those whom have lost their own from chemotherapy. This caring and giving person is a super hero to not only us, but to her fans all over the world!

Fans familiar with her career know that Tara Platt know this wonderful actress and her accomplished eighteen year television, movie and video game career. Her latest entertainment project, Shelf Life, features original music by the renowned composer Bear McCreary! Shelf Life, a mature entertainment product not designed for children, is executive produced by Ms. Platt and her screen partner, devoted husband Yuri Lowenthal. Shelf Life banner - Click to learn more at the official web site!

Described as often irreverent by Ms. Platt, this fun web series is now entering a third fantastic season! We will have additional coverage of Shelf Life in a separate review at our redesigned original Dot Com news site posting late this evening.

In the meantime, we include the wonderful Shelf Life season two finale for your enjoyment courtesy of the producers of Shelf Life!

Tara Platt fans are long acquainted with this gifted actress and her many fine roles including Revenge, Castle, Absolution the Series, The Arcadian, Parenthood, Afterworld, Days of Our Lives, Charmed and many more including Anime which Tara has supported at many entertainment conventions! Video game fans certainly remember Tara’s lovely voice in scores, literally many dozens of epic video games including Resident Evil Racoon City, Halo 2, Dragon Age and Final Fantasy!

We hope you enjoyed the interview with Tara Platt as much as we did conducting it and thank Ms. Platt for investing over an hour of her time in doing so. Thank you Tara!

Click to visit and follow WormholeRiders News Agency on Twitter!Thank you for reading. listening and visiting WormholeRiders News Agency. We will return next week for another exciting You Decide interview with our special guests to be announced later this week!

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Shelf Life Series: Fun Web Series Gearing Up For Season Three and Comic-Con San Diego!

Tue May 29 , 2012
Hey there web series fans, We recently were honored to interview Ms. Tara Platt when we learned more about her her accomplished eighteen year career in television, movies and dozens of video games for geeks! As described in her interview (above), Tara’s latest successful entertainment project is called Shelf Life, […]

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