Welcome Back WormholeRiders and Stargate Lovers! WormholeRiders News Agency welcomes Cliff Simon, the Big Bad Ba’al of Stargate SG-1 as our next Stargate Shout Out through the Wormhole series of feature articles about what our favorite actors are doing now. Team WHR includes an exclusive video below courtesy of Cliff […]

Welcome back to WHR Radio Where You Decide! We are pleased to include the entire interview our latest special guest hostess, the very lovely and gifted actress Ms. Tara Platt talented who joined WHR You Decide Sunday May 27, 2012 at 6 PM Pacific time when we discussed her career […]


Welcome once again science fiction fans. On Saturday, April 16th while on a trip to in Vancouver British Columbia, Kenn arranged for me to conduct an interview with three of the creators of a new pilot presentation being formulated called Echoes . Featured in the interview are well known television […]

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