Welcome back WormholeRiders and Sharknado! While all the events at San Diego Comic-Con are filled with fabulous fun and fantasy, one of the most enjoyable happenings was the Sharknado panel conducted Friday evening July 10, 2015 moderated by Damian Holbrook of TV Guide Magazine! The Sharknado 3 panel was preceded […]
Welcome back WormholeRiders to WHR You Decide!, On Saturday December 06, 2014, we were honored to interview the gifted and gorgeous Rebekah Kennedy, a rising star in the Hollywood television, movie and web series entertainment arena! During our interview with Ms. Kennedy, we were pleased to learn first hand about […]
Welcome back WormholeRiders dedicated to Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! This Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. reviewer remains impressed with the outstanding level of production quality values, character development, script writing and overall progress as the story arc builds to the series winter finale before the Christmas holiday season in an episode. “Ye Who […]
Welcome back convention fans! In our 6th year of operations here at WormholeRiders, we have attended hundreds of conventions, both of a science fiction and science nature. We have always been delighted by the quality of such distinct events. This year in 2014, a new effort combining the mathematics, arts, […]
Welcome back to WHR You Decide, We are honored and pleased to announce we will be interviewing the wonderful actor, writer, director and producer Robin Dunne Saturday November 30, 2013 at 9:00 AM Pacific Standard Time, 12 PM Eastern Standard Time to chat with this gifted entertainment professional about his […]
Welcome back WormholeRiders and Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! This series represents the finest effort in many years to effectively capture the science fiction drama audience on Tuesday evenings in the United States. The creators creators Maurissa Tancharoen, Jed Whedon, Joss Whedon, Jeffrey Bell, and Jeph Loeb, have accomplished precisely that, AND […]
Welcome back music composer lovers, As you know, WormholeRiders News Agency was originally established as a not for profit organization that admires and supports many worthwhile charity causes throughout the world, especially those events brought to our attention by the great team over at CW3PR! Although our status is scheduled […]
Welcome to the WormholeRiders News Agency coverage of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.! Coming up in two week is San Diego Comic-Con 2013. We are excited by the news that Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will be there with a sneak peek of the first episode! The Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. program is one that […]
Hi WormholeRiders, Before doing so, have you witnessed some of your friends bragging about illegally downloading and uploading copyrighted programs or digital material? Do your friends offer excuses that they just want to see the programs? Did you know that such activity is stealing the property of others? Did you […]
Welcome to our dedicated site to Primeval New World! MAJOR SPOILERS FOR NON CANADIANS: The “non-renewal” of the Primeval New World series by Space Channel is definitely a huge disappointment to all the cast, crews and creators! Martin Wood, one of the Executive Producers who works closely with Gillian Horvath, […]