Three cons in one? That’s crazy! Yeah. Crazy awesome! November 5-7, 2010 Creation Entertainment hosted its annual Stargate and Farscape conventions in Los Angeles, CA, at the LAX Marriott. This year, added to the mix was a Firefly/Buffy/Angel/Dollhouse convention, which led to this mega-con being titled TriCon. Unfortunately for me, […]


It’s been a few days since the Creation Entertainment Stargate 2010 convention ended and I’m still reeling from all the events of the last day. I’ll start from the beginning in a moment, but first let me say, though I enjoyed Stargate Universe before, I am definitely in love with […]


When I say today at Creation Entertainment’s Stargate 2010 was nuts, I mean it. Completely insane, wonko, off the rocker, downright crazy! Yep. I’m writing this report at about 1:40 AM and I just got in from the dessert party. I’m getting ahead of myself, so I’ll walk you through […]


Today VanCon was absolutely crazy! In a very good way, of course. The name VanCon is not really the official name of the convention. It is more of a fan name used on Twitter with the hash tag for tracking the tweets. The official name is really Creation Entertainments “Vancouver […]


Hey Stargate and Creation Entertainment fans! My first day at VanCon Stargate 2010 morning began with preregistration at the Hilton Metrotown Vancouver located in Burnaby, British Columbia. It is a beautiful facility that Creation Entertainment selected for the convention . I received my convention pass and Press Credentials for WHR […]

Hey SciFi and Comedy Fans! On April 24-25, 2010, the Comic & Entertainment Expo will be taking Calgary by storm – and WormholeRiders will be right there with it for YOU the fans. I, ValaBlack, will be covering the weekend-long event and quite frankly, I cannot wait! This year’s line-up […]

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