Hello my fellow Comic-Con friends. Welp, another year of the at home convention due again to COVID 19. Another year of online content, BUT, it’s another year of staying home and staying safe thanks to the fantastic planning by the great team at Comic-Con International! As much as it was […]

Welcome fans of Kelly Overton! On Thursday June 18, 2021 we were afforded the honor to interview Kelly Overton just prior to the final four episode of the Van Helsing series, three of which broadcast on last night on Friday June 18, 2021 featuring Ms. Overton. This was subsequent to […]

Greetings SciFi/Fantasy Fans! While hordes of Comic-Con attendees were checking out their favorite comic book artists in the Exhibit Hall, lining up for a chance to see stars like Angelina Jolie and Sylvester Stallone, or pursuing one of the other fantastic opportunities at the convention, die-hard fans of HBO’s True Blood […]

Greetings Science Fiction/Fantasy Fans! Sadly, the last day of BayCon 2010 has come and gone but I am so happy that I spent my weekend with the terrific people at this wonderful event. It was a much quieter day than Saturday and Sunday were, maybe because most people were checking […]

Greetings, SciFi/Fantasy Fans! Wow! What a fantastic day at BayCon 2010.  The hallways were filled with costumed folk, everyone excited about the day’s offerings. Once again, it was hard to choose from so many fun, interesting activities.  Today I went with sessions on Na’vi language, swords and dueling, a second […]

Greetings SciFi and Fantasy Fans! BayCon 2010 – Day 1 (well, officially Day 2, but Day 1 for me) Arguably the largest science fiction and fantasy convention produced entirely in the San Francisco Bay Area, BayCon happens every year for four days over the Memorial Day weekend.  The convention offers […]

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