My fellow fans, This past weekend I interviewed Dan Payne of, to name but a few, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Human Target, Transparency, and who you will soon see in an upcoming Sanctuary episode. A few of the things we discuss in the video are: some of Dan’s experiences as […]


Hello everybody! Well, I survived the first full day of Phoenix Comicon! I said yesterday how much I love all the costumes that people create and there were so many great ones today!  Two of my favorites would have to be Pac Man with Pinkie the Ghost and Davy Jones […]


Hello again! First our special thanks to Ms. Kate Davids of Phoenix Comicon for all her wonderful help! Howdy from the Southwest Desert!  We’ve actually been having unseasonably cool(ish) weather this week here in Phoenix, which is probably nice for the guests of the Phoenix Comicon as they are surely […]


Hey there convention fans! Well today is the day we have all been waiting for! What day? Here at WormholeRiders we are pleased to announce “Live from the Convention” news coverage of the fantastic Phoenix Comicon, a four day convention event. Rest assured that WHR will be there for you […]


Hi Chuck fans!  Here’s the recap of last weeks episode, Chuck Versus The Role Models. Photos courtesy of NBC Universal. Morgan dreams of his own “Hart to Hart” show with Sarah and Chuck as the spies he’s assigned to look after. In his waking life, Morgan has a hard time […]

Hey there Chuck fans! Here’s the latest update on this weeks episode “Chuck versus The Other Guy” which represents the mid season point for Chuck this year. I hope you find it helpful and fun, but ask what are we going to do until the Chuck Hiatus is over? Watch […]

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